PS4 Gets Priced at $399, Launching in Q4

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Not bad. Kind of what I expected for the price. My PC is still faster... 1.84 teraflops for video is equivilent to a Radeon 7850. I'm sure they'll be able to squeeze some extra power out of it as well.
I thought MS has a better showing @ E3, however no DRM on the PS4 is a big plus for many I am sure. As for me being a primarily PC gamers DRM is not a big deal, I will be buying both consoles for sure. Anyone else thinks the PS4 console looks atrocious?
My bet in Australia will be around $599-699 since they love ripping off the consumer over here, even though our dollar is close to parity with the US. For 499au I would actually be half interested in it. But my ps3 still plays movies so probably not.
My bet in Australia will be around $599-699 since they love ripping off the consumer over here, even though our dollar is close to parity with the US. For 499au I would actually be half interested in it. But my ps3 still plays movies so probably not.
That means it'll be over 400 UKP in the UK. Still too much for a 'console' IMO.
I didn't buy a PS3 because of the whacko pricing, looks like I'll skip this one
aswell, stick with PC gaming and the (at least atm) freedom it offers.

redeemer, actually I think the PS4 looks kinda cool, reminds me of Bladerunner,
but then I'm an 80s guy, I don't like the whole curved/blobby styling that infests
everything from hifi to shoes these days. 😀



you are near Japan , get the Japanese version 😛

Not only that, but games are also going to be console optimized. I'm sure we'll see 7950 performance out of the 7850 like graphics..

And it uses GDDR5, and its cheaper. And its free online. And a big one, it has Kingdom Hearts Three under its belt. PS4 wins this one.

Do you think they do it purposely? I live in Australia, its not like they want to do it purposely. In America and whatnot, retailers by in much larger bulk, getting discounts. Australian retailers have an even smaller market, and so the price eventually goes back to the customer. It pays to not be so ignorant, and instantly blame a retailer, who if you think about it, is barely making any money from selling it.

Not so much extra power but programmers can code directly to the hardware making console ultra efficient Typically a PC is only able to take advantage of 60% of the potential performance because of the overhead from Windows and DirectX. Still in a couple of years time that 40% will be a distant memory as processes shrink and performance doubles.
I have to admit I'm actually impressed for the specs and price this may be worth it. Better specs, lower price, supports used games, and no always on connection? I'm actually mulling over preordering one of these (PC still rules though).

As the noobs say MS has been pawned.

You never program to the metal, not even OSes are written this way. This is too complex and too dangerous. DirectX doesn't have as much overhead as what you would think and it's optimized for what it does. You lose much more trying to program in assembly, the size of source code explodes exponentially, is difficult to read, difficult to write, and really hard to write decent algorithms in.

What you gain more than offsets any loses.

Nope. 399USD, 399EUR, 349UKP
I will be too busy playing BF4 on PC above 1080p res to care much about the consoles anyway. But at least their console looks like something from this year and not from the late 90s like the crapbox one. Good pricing too.
What I think is great about the PS4 is that at the time of the announcement, the machine is capable of running graphics that only high end pcs can attain. When the ps3 was realeased it was already outdated (by the pcs) by at least a year or 2. Obviously, PCs will continue to get better graphics over the next 5 years but with the efficiency of the console, the PS4 may continue to have comparable graphics to the PCs for the next 3-4 years which is great.
$100 less than the Xbox, none of the annoying DRM, and a wider range of games from day one. I have a hard time seeing how Microsoft is going to win this console cycle right now. Some metrics showed they barely matched/beat Sony this last cycle, and they had a more significant advantage out the gate. It seems Microsoft is really going to have to rely on an installed die-hard fan base, and hope their game library develops very strongly. They're essentially relying almost entirely on the US market at this point. Unless Sony does something stupid, they very well may have secured an impressive comeback for the next several years.
I will probably be getting the PAlystation4 this time around but I will wait at least six months (my games will not be available till then anyway).

You must be joking. They are already behind and this is only 1080p @30fps with basically a 7850 or so. Even Crytek has said there is no comparison to a PC's power and you can't cram $2000 worth of PC into a $400 console. They are already turning off details from pics we've seen at reddit etc (shadows and textures are down already to make 1080p fluid in screenshots). There is a reason Carmack and others have said don't shoot for 60fps or you'll be turning off crap right and left. Most agree shoot for 30fps for the best feature set. You can kill the console for $1000 in a PC never mind the fact I can add up to 4 video cards and even 1 titan smacks this crap all around. You sir, are dreaming.

With 20nm shrinks at xmas for AMD and Q1 for NV (both will double their units) even cheapo gpus ($150) will likely blow these away but they are eaten alive already by high end single cards from both sides. Also don't forget consoles now are pretty much running full Operating systems. To do all that movie crap, voice, etc there is far more running than before. Having said that, they are still not much more than the last rev. The current models play movies too. So this is basically the same crap with voice tech and pretty menus at 1080p instead of 720p. This is no quantum leap for being 8yrs later. I honestly expected MORE (at least games that didn't have to turn of hi-res textures or shadows at 1080p).

Titan alone pumps out what like 4.5Tflops vs. 1.83(ps4) and 1.23 (xbox1)? Do the math. At 20nm which comes same time as xbox1/ps4, xmas, titan will look weak. Most people don't need a whole new PC and a simple gpu upgrade will give massive perf even at xmas for $400. Almost anyone with a PCIE motherboard can do this. With 385million PC's sold each year most of us have PCIE PC's. People always compare a console purchase to a person who has NO PC, which is for the most part WRONG. Most of us just need a new gpu to go with our sandy, ivy, haswell, FX etc chips and will all be FAR better off than a console. PC's do EVERYTHING, and they do it all the BEST that can be done. Crytek, Id, Epic etc all agree PC's rule! They all say nextgen is better than last, but NOBODY says BETTER than a PC. This is the first time in a long time they are behind from the get go.

Also note titan is kind of weak compared to a 690GTX which is 5.6TFlops.
You can find these numbers all over the place. There is no comparison between PC and console.
7990 7.7Tflops...LOL.

I hear it's due to the VAT tax and other taxes to support your socialist society.
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