Q3 Demos -



Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

I have posted a demo of my play on the http://games.daveandalicia.com/
server that happened recently. For some reason, the server got locked on
Tournament Mode and we could not change it to FFA - so as we played, I took
the opportunity to record it using Sittingduck's suggested script.

The demo is available here -

It would be nice to see other peoples demos too I think. I know I am not
the most sophisticated player, but I have lots of fun! btw - my player name
is LD-50 - meaning Lethal Dose 50 - the scientific term. I may not beat
everyone, but more than likely, I can take out HALF the samples! :cool:

In case you cannot read the script or know too much about demos - can I
suggest www.havoc6.com - it appears to be a good clean source of

If you want me to host the demo on the lycos site, email it to me (pref
zipped, and keep it under 2mb!) together with the details you want me to pin
with it.


Blessed are the geek, for they shall inherit the Earth.


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Miss Understanding wrote:

> It would be nice to see other peoples demos too I think. I know I am
> not the most sophisticated player, but I have lots of fun! btw - my
> player name is LD-50 - meaning Lethal Dose 50 - the scientific term. I
> may not beat everyone, but more than likely, I can take out HALF the
> samples! :cool:


check out the caplt one, it's a tad slow, but the ending is REALLY good.


Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

"sittingduck" <spam.no.sitting-duck@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
> Miss Understanding wrote:
> > It would be nice to see other peoples demos too I think. I know I am
> > not the most sophisticated player, but I have lots of fun! btw - my
> > player name is LD-50 - meaning Lethal Dose 50 - the scientific term. I
> > may not beat everyone, but more than likely, I can take out HALF the
> > samples! :cool:
> http://sittingduck.nuclearfallout.net/misc/demos/
> check out the caplt one, it's a tad slow, but the ending is REALLY good.

I dont know how this sounds, but is everyone using meth up there? STOKED is
one freaky nimble hombre - a campers delight I would say.. :cool: I like what
AFK had to say - about putting up a fence and calling it home.. lol!

I cant even think to compare it with the lazy styles of down here. A casual
rocket here - an occasional shotgun blast there - its all about having fun.
We even compliment each other on things - weird...

I always thought that clan players were too serious. There is a clan down
here called =PIT= who play on the (obviously) PIT server, which has been
modified to use only really fast rockets, rail guns and no armour. So when
you get a PIT player on another server, you know he is just going to camp
somewhere and rail everything that moves. Fun? I dunno...
Cheers -


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Miss Understanding wrote:

> I dont know how this sounds, but is everyone using meth up there?
> STOKED is one freaky nimble hombre - a campers delight I would say..
> :cool: I like what AFK had to say - about putting up a fence and calling
> it home.. lol!

Yeah, that Stoked dude is scary good, and AFK was being a real peckerwood
that day, because he was getting his ass handed to him. :) He went on a long
rant about how players like stoked are only good because they have secret
configs that make them better or something. I think he graduated to that from
accusing anyone better than him of using a BOT. hehe


Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

"sittingduck" <spam.no.sitting-duck@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
> Miss Understanding wrote:
> > I dont know how this sounds, but is everyone using meth up there?
> > STOKED is one freaky nimble hombre - a campers delight I would say..
> > :cool: I like what AFK had to say - about putting up a fence and calling
> > it home.. lol!
> Yeah, that Stoked dude is scary good, and AFK was being a real peckerwood
> that day, because he was getting his ass handed to him. :) He went on a
> rant about how players like stoked are only good because they have secret
> configs that make them better or something. I think he graduated to that
> accusing anyone better than him of using a BOT. hehe

'Scary good' is a great way to describe it. I would not want to go up
against him. Fingers like that should be in programming... or pastry
cooking or something.

I dont think Stoked was cheating - watching the demo, you can tell that
every shot was designed from a long long time on the field.
So there were a couple of clan members there too - I didnt recognise the
name, but they must have had a shock meeting Stoked. What about a demo of
your play?


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I made a couple of videos last year and I still have a lot of nice
demos laying around from that. I'd be happy to send some of them to
you but they are all in the threewave mod, so you'd have to download
that in order to view them. Let me know.

After I started playing threewave and freezetag I necessarily had to
spend more time spectating other people and it helped me improve a lot.
I'm sure you'll get the same effect from watching demos.


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Miss Understanding wrote:

> I dont think Stoked was cheating - watching the demo, you can tell that
> every shot was designed from a long long time on the field.
> So there were a couple of clan members there too - I didnt recognise the
> name, but they must have had a shock meeting Stoked. What about a demo of
> your play?
> -
> M

I don't have any of my own play. It wouldn't be pretty to watch anyway. :)
I do have the one demo of me jumping the top gap in tourney4 though.


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"sittingduck" <spam.no.sitting-duck@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
> Miss Understanding wrote:
> > I dont think Stoked was cheating - watching the demo, you can tell that
> > every shot was designed from a long long time on the field.
> > So there were a couple of clan members there too - I didnt recognise the
> > name, but they must have had a shock meeting Stoked. What about a demo
> > your play?
> > -
> > M
> I don't have any of my own play. It wouldn't be pretty to watch anyway. :)
> I do have the one demo of me jumping the top gap in tourney4 though.

Heh! =- Havent you seen my demo? Compared to Stoked, I look like Mr Magoo
or something.. Well - as long as you are still having fun with it - cool -


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Miss Understanding wrote:

> Heh! =- Havent you seen my demo? Compared to Stoked, I look like Mr Magoo
> or something.. Well - as long as you are still having fun with it - cool -

I just watched it... not too bad, you are no Mr. Magoo. :)
Use the shotgun on dm17 more, and you will improve.


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Miss Understanding wrote:
> you could record some new demos on the original platform...??

Maybe. It's just that regular quake is kind of boring once you get
used to threewave. In capturestrike for example, it's like capture the
flag but teams take turns on offence and defense.

You start out with all the weapons, so you don't have to waste time
picking them up. That means that you can actually use the best weapon
for a particular situation. Rather than just sticking with whatever
you've got. When you fight someone in threewave it feels almost like
kungfu. You might pass somebody and get off a rocket. Then you switch
to the railgun and spin around to take a quick shot at them. Then you
go to the lg to hold them off and finally back to the railgun. It's
wierd going back to regular quake and seeing people grab the railgun
and use it exclusively. Nobody does that in threewave.

When you die in capturestrike you're out for the rest of the round -
that means that people have to be a little more careful. If you hurt
someone they will sometimes (gasp) run away. Unlike regular quake were
there's little disadvantage to sticking it out and just blasting away
and somebody.

The rounds go very fast. The whole game is fast. I think threewave is
like all the best parts of quake, with most of the distracting and
annoying stuff cut out.

Of course, rocket arena and cmpa are good too, as is freezetag. But my
personal favorite is 3wave.


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<eric.nave@gmail.com> wrote in message
> I made a couple of videos last year and I still have a lot of nice
> demos laying around from that. I'd be happy to send some of them to
> you but they are all in the threewave mod, so you'd have to download
> that in order to view them. Let me know.
> After I started playing threewave and freezetag I necessarily had to
> spend more time spectating other people and it helped me improve a lot.
> I'm sure you'll get the same effect from watching demos.
I have not heard of threewave - so I will read up on it.. but in the mean
time - you could record some new demos on the original platform...??



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On 7/6/2005 10:24 AM sittingduck brightened our day with:

>Miss Understanding wrote:
>>I have not heard of threewave - so I will read up on it.. but in the mean
>>time - you could record some new demos on the original platform...??
>You should be able to play just about any demo in DSC.
Could you convert _all_ the demos to avi's, seems I don't have Quake3
installed any more.
pretty please.

"I don't feel tardy"

Steve ¤»Inglo«¤


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Inglo wrote:

> Could you convert _all_ the demos to avi's, seems I don't have Quake3
> installed any more.
> pretty please.

heh, It would be easier to just send you a copy.


Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

<eric.nave@gmail.com> wrote in message
<snip> Talk about selling it big! You dont work for ID do you?
It sounds like the best of Q3 alright - although i have to say that I still
play Q3 arena for the fun of it - i dont use any weapon exclusively and
allow the weapons to alternate as they are collected. The only time I
manually choose a weapon is when I find myself behind someone that is
camping and they dont hear my approach... then there is only one choice..
hehe. I also regularly run from other players!

I think if there was a server here with threewave on it, I might load it
on - but as it is, i have found a nice local server with lots of no0bs and
family people who just get on to have a laugh. Playing with people beats
bots anyday... unless the people act like bots of course..
Intriuging though..


Blessed are the geek, for they shall inherit the Earth.


Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

"Inglo" <ioo@??.¿¿¿> wrote in message
> On 7/6/2005 10:24 AM sittingduck brightened our day with:
> >Miss Understanding wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>I have not heard of threewave - so I will read up on it.. but in the
> >>time - you could record some new demos on the original platform...??
> >>
> >>
> >
> >You should be able to play just about any demo in DSC.
> >http://www.3dcenter.de/dsc/index_english.php
> >
> >
> Could you convert _all_ the demos to avi's, seems I don't have Quake3
> installed any more.
> pretty please.
> --
> "I don't feel tardy"
> Steve ¤»Inglo«¤
> www.inglostadt.com

As a demo file they are a 20 minute video at 1.5mbs. As a video file, I
imagine that they would jump to the 10's of mbs in size.. it really would
be better for you to reinstall - unless someone else has an idea..



Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

On 7/6/2005 8:56 PM sittingduck brightened our day with:

>Inglo wrote:
>>Could you convert _all_ the demos to avi's, seems I don't have Quake3
>>installed any more.
>>pretty please.
>heh, It would be easier to just send you a copy.
j/k, I downloaded the demos and when I went to play them they didn't
work. I'd forgot that there wasn't any Q3 on my HDD.

"I don't feel tardy"

Steve ¤»Inglo«¤


Oct 12, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.quake3 (More info?)

Inglo wrote:

> j/k, I downloaded the demos and when I went to play them they didn't
> work. I'd forgot that there wasn't any Q3 on my HDD.

I figured as much :)

I haven't installed Q3 for about 3 years. I just run it from a folder.


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"Miss Understanding" <merliina_x@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "sittingduck" <spam.no.sitting-duck@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns968960C663BCduckrulestheuniverse@news.easynews.com...
>> Miss Understanding wrote:
>> > It would be nice to see other peoples demos too I think. I know I am
>> > not the most sophisticated player, but I have lots of fun! btw - my
>> > player name is LD-50 - meaning Lethal Dose 50 - the scientific term. I
>> > may not beat everyone, but more than likely, I can take out HALF the
>> > samples! :cool:
>> http://sittingduck.nuclearfallout.net/misc/demos/
>> check out the caplt one, it's a tad slow, but the ending is REALLY good.
> I dont know how this sounds, but is everyone using meth up there? STOKED
> is
> one freaky nimble hombre - a campers delight I would say.. :cool: I like
> what
> AFK had to say - about putting up a fence and calling it home.. lol!

Well, I don't know what he was supposed to do. After all, he DID vote to
change the map. Without the BFG there isn't much reason to go to the
dungeons. Maybe one quick trip to grab the rail. The red armor, megahealth,
rocket launcher and plasma gun are all outside. The best strategy is to hog
the RA and MH which is mostly what he did.
