Yes, I have a ten year old chip. I'm cheap. I did a BSEL mod (the one that you put tape on a pin) to get it up to 3GHz, but I have been getting BSODs during load ever since, and about 30 seconds with prime95 gives a BSOD as well. I know that I would just change a few things and see if it's stable, but my BIOS doesn't have overclocking features (hence the BSEL mod). I did a bit of research and haven't seen anyone have an unstable chip from a BSEL mod. The stock voltage is 1.325v, has a 5:6 fsb to ram ratio, and is a G0 chip. I was thinking I might have to do a voltage mod, but I don't have one of those magic pen things at the moment. If anyone knows why it would be unstable, please let me know.