QNAP Launches 8-Drive Rack-Mounted NAS

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Some information on if the disks supported are SATA or SAS would have been nice.

Other bells and whistles...

Managing the servers for a medium-sized manufacturing business I can tell you that dual power supplies and e-mail notification are considered bare minimum requirements, not bells and whistles. And having only two Gigabit LAN ports would rule it out for any applications with a serious disk performance requirement, which for us rules out our VMware servers.

The only thing that looks even somewhat interesting is the QPKG plug-ins. But I'm trying to figure out why I would use their unpatchable plug-ins instead of spinning off a Linux VM and running a patchable (and customizable to my heart's content) version.
Mirth, if you are looking for "serious performance" in VMware with 8-SATA drives of any kind-- your entire definition of performance is very different than mine.

Get a HP Lefthand solution with SAS drives, or something, for VMware. Not these cheesy consumer toys.
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