QOTD: Do You Want Reader Submitted Content?

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it would need its own section on the website, with some moderation
I'd say it's a good idea, especially for entry level hardware that never gets reviewed - sometimes you can get pretty good kit from less well known makers but it's always a complete gamble as sites never ask for the lower end stuff to review. This way would be perfect to get the scoop.
From the quality of the articles Tom's staff has submitted the last couple of years, I'd say there wouldn't be much of a difference.
This may conflict with the whole idea, but maybe you could only allow people with so many posts to be allowed to write their own content. This might help distinguish some of the good from the crap. btw, i have only just started posting on this site so i would not be falling into the category of those being able to post 🙁
As long as the reader submitted content doesn't replace any real articles and there are moderators and editors to check profanity and grammar. Also, all fanboyism and unsupported opinions should be banned. But that aside, I would like some mouse and keyboard reviews.
No, this is a horrible idea. I like Tom's because it is credible and it includes insider information that readers wouldn't have. It would also lower the quality of articles and fill the site with many garbage articles. I think this may be good if a few articles are written every so often by experts, I don't want to hear what the regular person has to say.

This is just not the right site for that type of article, you might as well make this a blog site if you do that. It would destroy the site.

And as said in previous comments, the forums are a great place for this sort of thing.
Certainly,a user FORUM devoted to user reviews/input,especially of not so high co$t equipment,as everyone is aware it is difficult if not impossible to find good reviews/user experiences of not so co$tly equipment,in situ reviews of this would be of great benefit as there are a lot of folk who can not afford the latest and greatest,after all there are some who are deliberately a little "behind the curve" as it were,you do not always need the late$t and great$t hardware,who knows we might find it very entertaing and maybe enlightening..
Say what you will but to me user input is always the best of any endeavor..:)

i think every thing will have to be looked at to try to stop fanboyism and false info

maybe it can be like digg you vote for an article and it will hit the main page
you can flag an article for false info, fanboy content or profanity.

but keep it on a page separated from anything else and have sections for hardware reviews, game reviews, software reviews, trouble shooting and tweaking

i think it would be hard organizing all the info and separating it apart from the bad info

i say try it, it could be big if done right
Yes we have the forums for that. So even if somebody writes something idiotic we need not take it as written by someone from Tom's if it's written in the forums. Please it's a useless idea...
I'm not knocking the content on this site. Most of the articles are interesting and have some useful information. However, it's pretty clear that most of the articles are not edited. Typos and grammatical errors are common.

I'd hate to see this site overrun by user content. As others have suggested, it would need to be in a completely different section of the site. You might want to make better use of style sheets to make the user content pages look different. You have enough issues with readers not realizing they've jumped from Tom's Hardware to Tom's Guide.
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