Download = 10Mb/Sec. Get anywhere from 60 to 98% of that typically.
Upload = 1Mb/Sec. Pretty much get all of that all the time.
ISP = Charter
Region = South East USA
We have had some incredibly long outages. It seems if I have nothing important to do, it won't fail. If I have something I HAVE to do via the web, that's when it'll be down. :0(
Occasionally changing my DNS settings on router will help.
Upload = 1Mb/Sec. Pretty much get all of that all the time.
ISP = Charter
Region = South East USA
We have had some incredibly long outages. It seems if I have nothing important to do, it won't fail. If I have something I HAVE to do via the web, that's when it'll be down. :0(
Occasionally changing my DNS settings on router will help.