Quantium Computing


Jun 3, 2007
Was just reading that artical on Tomshardware about the advances researches are making in the field of quantum computing and it got me thinking about how our world would intergrate such a technolgy into our lives.

would love to here anyone elses thoughts on the issue, senarioes, predictions, ect.

Heres what i cam up with.

Based on how new computing technology and platforms evolve onto the market today, a scenario of quatium computing becomeing a relaity could be along the lines of this.

The first Quantum based CPU and supporting chipset emerges, a kinda hybrid technolgy, a basic quatom core AND a set of logical cores (same as todays CPU's designs), so the CPU's will still be based on the x86 design, just with an extra quatum core for tomorows apps. That is highly sellable and seems to be the way the big chip makers trikle new technolgy onto the market.

The main focus at this time would be devaloping quantium and existing silcon technolgy ability to communicate, increaseing things like the bandwidth availble to the quantum core/logic core bride, ect.

Limited programs will make use of the quatum core of these CPU's within the first years, still mainly useing the normal logical cores imbedded in these hybrid CPU's. (INTEL and AMD talking this technolgy up as the always do, despite its real world list of benifits) Unlike todays multi core CPU's,not many application take use of more than one core however its hyped by the chip makers.

As time progresses more and more application are able to take advantage of the the quatum core as programming for it becomes more and more practical as they appear in more and more homes acorss the world.

New generations of Quatium Hybrid CPU's keep being realsed and possibly other componets (GPU's, RAM, storage) start emerging (still hybrid silicon at this point), adding more and more to the quantium platform.

Maybe at some point a new Opertating System/CPU/Platform Design comes out that allows all apps to be processed using quatum technolgy, and suddleny u have a fully quantium compaitbly system.

Or a new OS comes out that is Native Quatium, that has x86 platform emualtion for running legacy apps (being everything we use today)

Within a year or logical core are made redundant in new CPU's,(maybe still having a use in the x86 emualtion) and multi quatium core CPU's are standard.

Now, at first switching to quantium computer may not nessarly be "faster" then traditional, highly evolved silicon based chips HOWEVER the switch to quantiumm technolgy, will in the long run allow for computing that silicon based chips cannot even touch.

Switching to multi core CPU's added almost nothing to computing for the first year or so. There still only just starting to take off and becoming a benifit to a system.

First generation of silicon chips were but a scratch of currect silicon chips, however estabishing the x86 platform was the key

Establishing a Quatium platform is the key to bring everyday computing to the world of quantum.

Senario 2
Scientist are unable to make quatium computing a reality, let alone bridging quatum and silicon computing.
Highly unlikly id say.

What im saying is the world is so intergrarted into todays computing platorm we couldnt just suddenly stop using all the software we have made up until now.

Or maybe quantium computing will be another branch of computing, a whole new platofrm for software designers, or maybe never?) to become common and widley adopted, because of technical restriction, and the practiaclity of just using silicon based chips.

Id say if INTEL and AMD would want to produce as many platform evolution as the can...the more generation of CPU's and chipsets they produce the more people are going to want to upgrade and spend there money on the latest computing technolgy.

Or Maybe Nanto tech computing woudl be more practical?

Using carbon nano tubes to produce circuts?

Whos knows, but all this is decade away at the least.

For now my X2 4200 based on 90NM Fabrication technolgy is quite up to my computing needs

But I cant wait to see what im sporting in 10 years time...