Question Question about a XBOX HD

Nov 10, 2021
I have a XBOX 360 S HD (250GB) that I bought cheaply from a friend not a while ago.

More specifically, it is the model X854830-001.

What I want to know is:
  1. Can I use a SATA to USB adapter to use it as an external HD?
  2. What is the purpose of this 4-pinned port? (marked in the red square)


sorry for the bad quality photo, the light messed up a bit

Thanks in advance.
but I'd be wary of the partition being sent awry considering that the partition structure on the Xbox was not the same as that on an PC.

Is it too hard to format and put it on the right partition? (NTFS iirc)

also, something that I haven't made clear, I intend to use this XBOX 360 HD as an external HD for my PC and for my mom's notebook to save some stuff like photos and videos.
i know that im necroing an old thread of mine,,but i got it working perfectly by using a cheap usb to sata converter and it is easy to format to NTFS, thanks to yall