Question about everything


Oct 9, 2013
Hi my specs right now are:
Cpu: intel core 2 duo e8400
Gpu: geforce gtx 260
Mobo: asus b5q-e
Ram: 2x2gb ram
My specs looking to upgrade
Processor Link:
Mobo link:
Ram link:
Gpu: geforce gtx 660 2gb
Will all the parts that i am looking to upgrade work together is this a solid build for gaming? Thanks bye and make the answer detailed thanks
A good way for you to see if your parts will all work together is to go to a site called because you can select all the parts you have now (the ones you will not be upgrading) and then also select the ones that you are looking to buy and as long as the compatibility mode is selected, then it will let you know if the ones that you are selecting work with one another. Also, it will tell you where you can get the best price on those parts as well. so its a win win!

Every thing looks good, but look in to faster DDR 1600 speed ram for a little better performance. and what PSu do you have? Because that will be a fairly hungry machine. I would say about a 600W would be good, Considering you are gonna have this machine for a couple years right?
Thanks for all the detailed answers i have a 750 watt psu dat good enough? Oh and u didn't answer my question is this a solid build for gaming and video production or do i need to upgrade some stuff


Nope other then me saying the ram could be faster 1600 instead of 1333 or maybe 16gb for video production everything seems fine.
Does it really matter about the model of the psu but the model is a 1x 750w corsair thats all it said on it it didn't say model name or anything. It only said 1x 750w Corsair. and if u lookin the specs of my ram it says memory speed: 1600mhz so like isn't that the highest u said? Thanks for all ur answers oh and will this mobo fit te parts i mentioned up above link:
Thanks for all the answers and i am so sry i ask so many questions its cuz im kinda stupid at pc's

um look up stuff before being a smart arse he is upgrading to an I7 4770