Question Question About Finding A CPU Cooling Fan Replacement

Jan 15, 2025
Hello, my laptop CPU cooling fan started making insanely loud noises. I took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly to no avail. The fan is a type that is hard to lubricate apparently so I am now looking for a replacement.

My laptop is an MSI Alpha 17 A4DEK-021. (Model Number on bottom says MS-17EK)

The CPU fan numbers are PAAD06015SL. 0.55A. 5VDC. N457.

I am trying to find a replacement. I find matches for all of the numbers except N457, which seems nigh impossible to find. I also have no idea what that specific number means, and is it important for finding a replacement? Does it have to be an exact match? Is there any other CPU fans that would be compatible without that specific number?

I appreciate any responses. This is one of those times where the more I research, the more confused I get.