Question Question About Finding A CPU Cooling Fan Replacement

Jan 15, 2025
Hello, my laptop CPU cooling fan started making insanely loud noises. I took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly to no avail. The fan is a type that is hard to lubricate apparently so I am now looking for a replacement.

My laptop is an MSI Alpha 17 A4DEK-021. (Model Number on bottom says MS-17EK)

The CPU fan numbers are PAAD06015SL. 0.55A. 5VDC. N457.

I am trying to find a replacement. I find matches for all of the numbers except N457, which seems nigh impossible to find. I also have no idea what that specific number means, and is it important for finding a replacement? Does it have to be an exact match? Is there any other CPU fans that would be compatible without that specific number?

I appreciate any responses. This is one of those times where the more I research, the more confused I get.
you could email the laptop company direct and see if the faulty part is covered by their warantee.. if not they can tell you exactly what model you need to replace it with..
for example . they may have discontinued that cpu cooler model and made a new replcement type with better cooling. but new model number.