[SOLVED] Question about gaming pc

Apr 14, 2020
Hello there! Im planning to buy a gaming pc that can run GTA 5 and CSGO smoothly and good FPS rate. Specs will be down below, is it good for this games?

GPU: Asus 1050 graphics card
CPU: AMD A10 7800 processor
RAM: 8gb of ddr3 ram
Extra Ram: 16gb of ddr3 corsair ram as extra
Power Supply: Evga 500watt power supply
And a 2tb seagate harddrive.

is it good?
IMO, an A10-7800 is a wasted purchase these days. That being said, you've got a pretty low budget. One that certainly encourages buying at least some used stuff.

If it were me:

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: Intel Core i3-9100F 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($100.50 @ shopRBC)
Motherboard: MSI B365M PRO-VDH Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($89.99 @ Memory Express)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($55.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($69.99 @ Memory Express)
Case: Antec VSK10 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($51.56 @ Vuugo)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12III 500 W...
IMO, an A10-7800 is a wasted purchase these days. That being said, you've got a pretty low budget. One that certainly encourages buying at least some used stuff.

If it were me:

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: Intel Core i3-9100F 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($100.50 @ shopRBC)
Motherboard: MSI B365M PRO-VDH Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($89.99 @ Memory Express)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($55.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($69.99 @ Memory Express)
Case: Antec VSK10 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($51.56 @ Vuugo)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12III 500 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Canada Computers)
Case Fan: ARCTIC P14 PWM 72.8 CFM 140 mm Fan ($9.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $438.01
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-04-14 18:16 EDT-0400

And grab a used GPU from Kijiji or something. Like an RX470 or RX570 for $80 would outperform the GTX1050 by 60% or more.

That's just me letting PCPP choose the "best" pricing for me. Usually you can do better than that when you visit each site and/or use coupon codes where available.

To me, that's an extra $70 WELL SPENT. I mean, heck, you're paying 15% more for 60% more GPU performance, let alone the extra speed of the i3-9100F compared to the A10-7800.
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AMD's non-Ryzen CPUs are quite a bit weaker than other CPUs typically chosen for gaming, and, depending on the game, might not consistently be able to provide minimum 60 fps, as they are often slower than 4 year old i3 CPUs...

(I'd look for a design having an R5-2600 or 1600AF...)