Question about HDD, and Mobos


Feb 27, 2015
I had my motherboard crash on me, I've just replaced it. Everything is hooked up and fine, but when I boot I get a message stating me to:

"Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot Device and press a key."

I have the Windows 7 Professional SP1 disc, but if I boot with it my first question is will it erase the data on my hard drive? For my second question, is it possible for me to use my 250GB External HDD as a boot disc, for the same computer, and retain the information on my other drive?
For your disc question as long as you just click on repair when you boot up the windows 7 disc it will not delete any of your data.

The 250gig question you can always have that as an option to, you can install your windows OS onto the drive but you will need to go into the boot manager in the bios to configure everything properly.