Question about i5 8400 for Web Cafe


Nov 7, 2012
Hello guys i just opened a Web Cafe in Greece with i5s 8400.
Is there any option in bios that boosts them or something?
If there is any, is it ok to do it? Or it shortens their lifespan ?
The i5 CPUs from Intel sport "Turbo Boost" already, so unless you manually disable such feature (it would be very weird for the MoBo to have it disabled) it will just work for you. Also, even if you're using a Z-branded MoBo, that CPU doesn't allow easy overclocking. You would have to tinker around with other setting to get an OC. You can check the sub-forum for that.

That being said, the life-span of the CPU is pretty much endless until something fails due to a proper fault (burnt, short-circuit, etc). As long as you keep it with the 2-3 year re-paste cycle, it will run forever. If you don't know what I mean with that, it's just doing normal maintenance to the PCs: de-dust them and re-paste the CPU heatsink to it.


Sorry but im a real noob. It boosts automatically? Or you have to install something or change something in bios?? Thanks for the replies!


It works automatically. Like I said, unless you disable it manually in the Motherboard BIOS/UEFI, it will just work for you out of the box.

Ah, right; there's one additional constraint. It will work as long as the CPU is not too hot. That is why re-pasting it every 2-3 years is important. Thermal paste and grease have lifespans you need to be aware of. If you used the boxed cooler, I think that paste is good for 2 years and after that you need to search for a paste to apply. Also, since temperatures play a role in how the Turbo Boost behaves, you might want to keep the PCs clean and unobstructed on the inside.

