Question Question about update

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Jun 3, 2019
I accidentally installed a Preview Update, and I want to know how Preview Updates are patched later (since everyone is saying they are optional/for early testers and contain a lot of bugs):
  1. Do they get patched by another Preview Update the next month?
  2. Or, do they get patched by a regular update the next month?
I'm asking so I can either uninstall it using cmd, or wait for another stable update to fix it. Help is really appreciated!
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Are you getting any bugs? My guess is they are likely included in the cumulative updates and you just got one early it won't have to install at a later time. I believe I have that one myself.

Wait, nvm, its for version 1809...

Is windows bugging you to update yet as you on cusp, Microsoft only support 3 versions of win 10 at the same time and 1809 is out of date now. Currently supported are 2004 to 1903
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