Question on Leadtek Winfast TV 2000 XP


Oct 26, 2001
Hi all,
I have this card and am happy with it so far. I have a question on recording: When recording a TV show does the tuner have to be turned on first or will it fire up automatically when needed? I can see anything about it in the documentation. Also can I watch one channel while recording another? I've set up a few test recordings but I'm curious if anyone may know about this.
Tia for any info.
I shouldn't really even answer this. You could easily find out for yourself.

1st question: As long as the little scheduler program is running (it shows up in the system tray), it will start up the tv program 10 sec. or so before the recording is supposed to start. The scheduler will start up with windows by default. Obviously, the computer has to be on, though.

2nd question: no.