Question on new video card purchase?


Aug 7, 2003
Hello all,

I've been doing a lot of research on new video cards. I've come down to two choice's.

1. Radeon 9600 Pro 128
2. Geforce FX 5600 Ultra Rev. 2 128

I mostly play BF1942, UT2K, with some Unreal 2 here and there. My question is which would be the best choice for future games such as Doom 3, Half-Life 2. In leaning more towards the Geforce FX 5600 right now but I'm still open to suggestions from all. The reason's why I'm leaning towards the FX 5600 are that i've read some nice things about the Rev 2 boards. If any one can atest to this I would be grateful.
Thank you for your time.
They are about the same in term of performance, trade lead depend on which benchmark is used. So go for the one that is cheaper.

As for Doom3, HL2 i think both will do fine in default but if you turn on more effects they will struggle.

Just a note, if you upgrading from Nvidia card to ATI card you need to do major driver clean up because Nvidia's driver don't like to dissapear :tongue: .
I second that. In this price range, the 9700 non-pro cannot be touched.

Radeon 9500 w/256 bit memory bus @ 367/310
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3439
I third(?) that. If it's between ONLY the 9600/5600, I'd say go 9600 (better IQ, lower price). Otherwise go with the 9700, it will whip both of the said cards.

These days, no matter what company you like, be it <b>nVidia, ATi, or whatever,</b> no matter how logical your reasons, you're labeled an <b>idiot</b> or a <b>fanboy</b>, or <b>both.</b>
OK here's a follow up to my own post. I've done some more research on Radeon 9700 non-pro and Geforce FX 5600 Ultra Rev 2. Ive found this video card at for $216.

I was wondering if its a good card says it comes with 2.5 ns memory. So if thats true it means I can get a good overclock. My question now is will this be better then a 9700 non-pro.
Thanks in advance.
My link made clickable

<A HREF="http:// " target="_new">http:// </A>
Link displays blank page for me, on both IE and Mozilla.

I'd say both (R9600P/FX5600U-R2) are a good choice. No one knows whihc will do better in the future, each have future technology advanatages. Ultrashadow v. PS 2.0 performance, etc. The R9700NP beats them both though.

If they are the same price, well then pick the one YOU have a feel for, or has better features; or flip a coin.

Ad for the R9700NP, sounds like an ok price.


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