Question regarding OC'ing


May 22, 2010
i just bought a gtx 460 and am loving it a lot, its the pny version. i downloaded msi afterburner and read up on what everything listed means and such. i did the whole going up 20-25 ticks each time for safety reasons, never did hit the wall on how high i can go, but im ok with what i put it at(850/2000).

my one question is, when its at the OC'ed settings and going back down to the default values, does it do harm with that large of jumps in value. just making sure i am not doing any harm to the card when i switch back and forth with my saved settings. theres like 100 plus jumps in the value.
Nope none. Generally cards have "idle" clocks and "3d" clocks anyway, for example my 5850s idle at 157/300 and then in 3d they jump up to my overclock settings of 870/1200.