Hello, I didn't do much research prior to purchasing these memory sticks for a good deal on ebay yesterday ($20 shipped). I want more memory overhead for applications and VM's. Since I can't really only use two memory modules on my ASUS P8Z68-V because of my giant Heat Sink Fan that goes over one of the memory modules I decided to buy the F3-12800CL10D modules that are slightly slower CAS/Memory timings than the two 4 GB modules I'm currently running. I'm running the Blue G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series F3-12800CL8-4GBXM now without issues. I've been running my Intel Sandy Bridge I5-2500 at 4500 overclocked without any issues since I built this rig back in 2011. Stock overboost is 3700 MHz. It runs smooth as silk and I'm hoping I can just put the F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL16GB and not have any issues. I'm running the Blue ones at 800 MHz and they work great with my overclock settings. Does anyone know if I might potentially have issues with my overclocked setup with the slightly slower F3-12800CL10D 2x8GB modules I just bought? Thanks for any ideas and here's some screen shots of my current RAM modules. I'm also going to gaming again after years of taking a break since I just bought a 1070 GTX to replace my 680 GTX. Thanks for any ideas! 🤔