Question Questions about running G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL16GB (2 x 8GB) on ASUS P8Z68-V

Mar 16, 2025
Hello, I didn't do much research prior to purchasing these memory sticks for a good deal on ebay yesterday ($20 shipped). I want more memory overhead for applications and VM's. Since I can't really only use two memory modules on my ASUS P8Z68-V because of my giant Heat Sink Fan that goes over one of the memory modules I decided to buy the F3-12800CL10D modules that are slightly slower CAS/Memory timings than the two 4 GB modules I'm currently running. I'm running the Blue G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series F3-12800CL8-4GBXM now without issues. I've been running my Intel Sandy Bridge I5-2500 at 4500 overclocked without any issues since I built this rig back in 2011. Stock overboost is 3700 MHz. It runs smooth as silk and I'm hoping I can just put the F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL16GB and not have any issues. I'm running the Blue ones at 800 MHz and they work great with my overclock settings. Does anyone know if I might potentially have issues with my overclocked setup with the slightly slower F3-12800CL10D 2x8GB modules I just bought? Thanks for any ideas and here's some screen shots of my current RAM modules. I'm also going to gaming again after years of taking a break since I just bought a 1070 GTX to replace my 680 GTX. Thanks for any ideas! 🤔
Mixing memory always carries risk of not working as intended. It may or may not work. Assuming they work together, they'll typically operate at the slower speed of what ever memory you have installed. OCing mixed memory is likely to be frustrating, if it works at all.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm not going to be running my current two 4GB (F3-12800CL8-4GBXM) modules because I can only use two slots on my MB. I would of bought two more 4GB F3-12800CL8-4GBXM if my CPU heat sink didn't get in the way. I'm only going to be running the F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL16GB (2 x 8GB) with my setup.
Is the heatsink in the way of the memory slot (common with older motherboards) or is the fan in the way?

If just the fan, you can raise the fan away from the memory slot a bit (as long as your case has room) to allow for slot access. It really doesn't affect cooling performance. May just look odd.
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Ok, thanks for that info! I wish I did a little more research before pulling the trigger on the two 8GB F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL16GB modules I just bought. It turns out I could of bought the same Blue 8GB modules F3-12800CL8 for the same or even cheaper! So, if the Red ones with the slightly slower timings give me issues I'll have to try and resell those and buy the F3-12800CL8 two 8GB modules I should of purchased in the first place. I'm hoping I don't have any issues but I guess I'll find out.
Thanks man. Yeah, I like my old rig and it's not in my budget to do any upgrades. I had to replace the power supply about 5 years ago and my system does everything I need. It should be a really nice upgrade for cheap going to 16GB and the 1070 GTX! So, I'm pretty psyched to try this new/used card out.
Yeah, but not any of the old school games I want to play in my steam library that I never really started or finished. I recently bought a GTX 970 and it played Doom 2016 with Ultra Settings at 60+ frames with no hiccups at all. That was a huge leap over my 680. However, the DVI video kept cutting out so I had to return that to the seller at a $15 shipping loss. The 1070 will probably play all my old games at max settings in 1080p. That would be more than adequate. I also still use 3D Vision for movies and some games by using 3Dfix utility and no cards beyond the 1070 support 3D vision anymore. It will be cool to see how some of the old 3D games run with this card when my 680 struggled hard with a lot of 3D game like Metro 2033 Redux.