
Jul 23, 2011
So I purchased a super cheap old computer mostly because it was in this awesome customish case and it was the right price. But it has a pentium 4 plus all IDE stuff, the power supply is an alright one I believe it says Max 400 watts on it. But the question is how/what do I need to upgrade this? I am looking to go cheaper as all I want it for is to hook into the TV and be a media player/streaming server when I am not home.

the case is pretty tall and the current motherboard has 5 PCI slots I believe. What all do I need?! I am fine putting stuff in and configuring it all, but I am not the best at buying the parts. I suppose I should add that I want to install a blue ray drive as well.

So in short is this an adequate list of upgrades?
-Mobo (How are these measured? Do i need like inch measurements or will anything work in the case?)
-processor (what would you guys recommend? )
-Vid card with HDMI or equivalant out
-Multiple HD's (1 1tb to start with then the ability to add more because case is huge)
-Can I keep the power supply?
Thanks so much!


Jul 23, 2011
That's what I am wondering, so the only thing I need to know is if it is ATX or whatever? and as far as power supply would that need to be replaced as well? Also what processors should I be looking at?



Jul 21, 2011
to be honest if your replacing everything else then you might as well get a new psu too! if your going to be streaming at high resolutions then you are going to want something fairly powerful. also if your on a budget amd processors tend to be cheaper than there intel counterparts. the new sandybridge cpus from intel are pretty tasty with combined cpu & gpu on the same die but you will be paying more. the high end phenom II X6 from amd are a good balance of price and power....
I think you should replace everything, and not to sound like a dick but also do some research. Although we can suggest parts, it helps to know what we're talking about so it's easier to follow.

As for Finn, I completely disagree with the X6's from AMD. They aren't really at the value as they used to be, the SB chips just demolish them. Especially the i5 2500K. But you're going to have to help us. Fill this out.

i5 2400 vs 1100T
Source: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/203?vs=363


Jul 23, 2011
Alright well I will fill that out, but realistically would something like this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=61043&Sku=B69-9201
be adequate for what I am trying to do? I know that I will need to add graphics/vid card and the Blu ray drive, but it seems pretty solid and is a quad core.


But here is that form:
Approximate Purchase Date: whenever

Budget Range: 400ish before or after either one

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Acting as media server, and center so streaming and playing movies, occasional internet browsing maybe

Parts Not Required: Monitor, Speakers, OS

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Doesn't matter to me I buy from all over

Country of Origin: USA

Parts Preferences: Again I have no preference

Overclocking: Maybe

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Monitor Resolution: Unnecessary

Additional Comments: I would like the case to look nice, with possibly a window but it really doesn't matter that much to me at all.

But let me know about what you think about using that barebones as kind of a starting point.

Thanks again!


Jul 23, 2011
Thanks!! I am probably going to go with something like that, One more thing...what would be a good card for something like this? I am looking at trying to get HDMI output for an easy and nice hookup into TV.