

Aug 27, 2012
Hi, You can call me Komo. So i bought this new gaming rig anf obviously know it will be able to run games like bf3 and mw3 no prob, But i am wondering will i have enough spare performance to be able to record with fraps with a sustainable 70+ fps? on games like bf3 maxed out? or minecraft with sonic ethers shaders and a good 64 or higher texture pack? please answer thanks.

Cpu: Quad core I7 3770k 3.6ghz
Gpu: Nvidia Evga superclocked gtx 670 2gb
Ram: 4x2gb of corsair vengeance ddr3
Os: Windows 7 64 bit

Aswell since this is my first rig could you give me some must do's and other helpful tips to immediatly do when it arrives thanks, -Komo
first off you bought a pc... its only a rig if you build it or mod it.
second learn how to ask a question i just clicked on this because it had no description in the title and wanted to point that out...
you will get more help if your problem is easy to read in the title...

now for your question. the answer is no... the reason being is you wont get 70 fps on bf3 maxed out you will get between 55 minimum and 60-80 on average. but yes you will have enough cpu to run fraps. and maintain a minimum of about 45 fps. better off using something like bandicam as it spreads it usage over the cpu threads instead of commanding 1 cpu thread like fraps does,use a user config file creator to set your max fps to 60 and recording will be much smoother, bf3 configurator is a good choice.

minecraft isnt particularly well written for multi core cpu's it prefers lower end systems for some reason. it works better on my old amd 6000x2 than it does on my i7. when you add texture packs and mod then yeah the i7 will pick up but still its not great performance. the best thing to do with it is turn the 30fps limiter on and record like that. this way you wont get huge and i mean huge variation from 1 second to the next in fps.
it can go from 200+ down to 20 in less than a second and the game just judders to a stop when you use fraps. only to jump back up to 200+ again 2-3 seconds later for no apparent reason.


Aug 27, 2012
Thanks for the help guys, and i am planning to do some modifications in the future like overclocking the cpu to 3.9ghz and maybe a new gpu in the next while. thanks though!



Aug 27, 2012
Thanks my ssd is 120gb so i think ill put my Os on it and record some videos on it then delete them once i upload them, and if that wont work i guess putting the games on would be fine to :3


Aug 27, 2012
O,o LoL well thanks, And so i would eb able to run bf3 and such fine while filming? i'm just trying to get as many opinions as possible. also i'm concidering and overclock to 3.8 or 4 ghz. do you think that would make a conciderable difference in performance? thanks, komo


Aug 27, 2012
I already have a water cooling system with dual enermax fans :) so cooling shouldnt be a problem, i'm only going to 3.8 or 4 so i dont shorten the life of my proccesor by to much.