"Quick Look" bindings



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A suggestion for the HEROICA page:

MBUTTON "+camrotate$$camreset"
SHIFT+MBUTTON "+camrotate"
ALT+MBUTTON "++camrotate"

I use these bindings to make it easier to look around. The middle button
still activates mouse-look, but it resets the camera when you let go.
This makes it easy to quickly "look over your shoulder" and then
re-focus on the space ahead of you. It's nice when you're leading a team
and you want to check whether your teammates are following.

If you want the default "sticky" look, just hold down the shift key
while you're adjusting the camera. If you want to toggle look mode, tap
Bradd W. Szonye


Archived from groups: alt.games.coh (More info?)

"Bradd W. Szonye" <bradd+news@szonye.com> wrote:
> A suggestion for the HEROICA page:
> MBUTTON "+camrotate$$camreset"
> SHIFT+MBUTTON "+camrotate"
> ALT+MBUTTON "++camrotate"
> I use these bindings to make it easier to look around. The middle
> button still activates mouse-look, but it resets the camera when you
> let go. This makes it easy to quickly "look over your shoulder" and
> then re-focus on the space ahead of you. It's nice when you're leading
> a team and you want to check whether your teammates are following.
> If you want the default "sticky" look, just hold down the shift key
> while you're adjusting the camera. If you want to toggle look mode,
> tap alt+middle-button.

Interesting. Let me mess with this and I'll probably add it.

-= Victory Server =-
-= Shenanigunner: Level 38 Natural Tanker, Fire/SS, M =-
-= Sgt Glory B: Level 27 Tech Blaster, Electric/Energy, F =-
-= Mean Mr Mustard: Level 8 Science Scrapper, Dark/Regen, M =-
-= Always looking for reliable teammates - look me up! =-
-= See you on HEROICA! - http://www.dgath.com/coh/ =-
-= The Keybind & Macro Guide is now available! =-


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"Bradd W. Szonye" <bradd+news@szonye.com> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs

>A suggestion for the HEROICA page:
>MBUTTON "+camrotate$$camreset"
>SHIFT+MBUTTON "+camrotate"
>ALT+MBUTTON "++camrotate"
>I use these bindings to make it easier to look around. The middle button
>still activates mouse-look, but it resets the camera when you let go.
>This makes it easy to quickly "look over your shoulder" and then
>re-focus on the space ahead of you. It's nice when you're leading a team
>and you want to check whether your teammates are following.
>If you want the default "sticky" look, just hold down the shift key
>while you're adjusting the camera. If you want to toggle look mode, tap

Interesting, though I just use mouse 5 as my camera reset button.

Your way would be good for those poor benighted souls with old 3-button
mice though.

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr


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Xocyll <Xocyll@kingston.net> wrote:
> Interesting, though I just use mouse 5 as my camera reset button.
> Your way would be good for those poor benighted souls with old 3-button
> mice though.

Mice: the blenders of the new millennium. :)

I also have trouble binding much of anything to my middle button, because
the slightest click of the wheel messes up the button-click. If you're
using a really ancient 3-button mouse with no wheel, it would work better.
Or maybe my mouse (trackball, actually) is just overly sensitive or buggy
WRT the middle button/wheel.

-= Victory Server =-
-= Shenanigunner: Level 38 Natural Tanker, Fire/SS, M =-
-= Sgt Glory B: Level 27 Tech Blaster, Electric/Energy, F =-
-= Mean Mr Mustard: Level 8 Science Scrapper, Dark/Regen, M =-
-= Always looking for reliable teammates - look me up! =-
-= See you on HEROICA! - http://www.dgath.com/coh/ =-
-= The Keybind & Macro Guide is now available! =-


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Xocyll wrote:
>> Interesting, though I just use mouse 5 as my camera reset button.
>> Your way would be good for those poor benighted souls with old
>> 3-button mice though.

I actually have an 8-button mouse, the Logitech MX700. It looks like
this: http://www.logitech.com/lang/images/0/854.gif

The two small buttons next to the wheel are for scrolling, so that you
don't need to keep "tickling" the mouse. I normally set them to act like
extra PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys (for apps that don't recognize the extra
buttons). I set the last small button to act like the END key.

These are my current mouse bindings.

SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Teleport"
RBUTTON "+mouse_look"
MBUTTON "+camrotate$$camreset"
SHIFT+MBUTTON "+camrotate"
ALT+MBUTTON "++camrotate"
MOUSEWHEEL "+camdistadjust"
BUTTON4 "target_enemy_near"
ALT+BUTTON4 "target_friend_near"
BUTTON5 "+up"
PAGEUP "+forward"
PAGEDOWN "+backward"
END "powexec_abort$$-forward$$-backward$$-up$$-down$$-left$$

This is enough to handle all basic navigation, sighting, and targeting
in the game. The left button selects, the right button steers, the back
thumb button targets, the front thumb button jumps, the scroll buttons
move forward and back, and the extra button resets everything to an "at
rest" state.

Shenanigunner wrote:
> I also have trouble binding much of anything to my middle button,
> because the slightest click of the wheel messes up the button-click.

That's weird. I recommend getting a better mouse! I've used three
different wheel mice with this set-up and had no problems. (I also use
Linux a lot, which uses the middle button extensively, so I consider a
working middle button a basic necessity.)

> Or maybe my mouse (trackball, actually) is just overly sensitive or
> buggy WRT the middle button/wheel.

Sounds like it. The mouse I use at work has a bit of a sensitive wheel,
such that it'll sometimes scroll accidentally, but I've never used a
mouse as finicky as what you've described. (Speaking of which, you might
want to adjust the comment about middle buttons from your website --
while other people may have the same problem, I doubt that it's very
Bradd W. Szonye


Archived from groups: alt.games.coh (More info?)

Shenanigunner <shenanigunner@NOdgathSPAM.kom> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs

>Xocyll <Xocyll@kingston.net> wrote:
>> Interesting, though I just use mouse 5 as my camera reset button.
>> Your way would be good for those poor benighted souls with old 3-button
>> mice though.
>Mice: the blenders of the new millennium. :)
>I also have trouble binding much of anything to my middle button, because
>the slightest click of the wheel messes up the button-click. If you're
>using a really ancient 3-button mouse with no wheel, it would work better.
>Or maybe my mouse (trackball, actually) is just overly sensitive or buggy
>WRT the middle button/wheel.

Not a problem i've had with my logitech MX310

Since I rarely use the middle button except when i'm not using button
one i just move the index finger to press it. It's usually centered
directly under the first joint of the index finger, so it activates
smoothly and without moving the wheel up/down at all.

It does seem to vary between different mice/models since the shape of
the mouse varies a bit and that makes the direction you have to press
slightly different - usually resulting in mouse3+wheelup/down.

Since I use 98se most of the time and it _doesn't_ natively see the
extra buttons, I have mouse 4/5/6 mapped to keyboard keys pgup/pgdn/del
so it's useful not only in game but in just about any program.
Scroll with the wheel or just pgup/pgdn with the buttons.

I could not go back to a normal 3button/wheel mouse now, rather like I
couldn't go back to a non-wheel mouse once i'd used one.

For COH, the first 3 buttons and the wheel are defaults, mouse 4 is
target_next, mouse 5 is reset camera and mouse 6 is autorun.
[R is my run speed toggle for sprint/SS.]

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr


Archived from groups: alt.games.coh (More info?)

Xocyll wrote:
> Since I use 98se most of the time and it _doesn't_ natively see the
> [Logitech MX's] extra buttons, I have mouse 4/5/6 mapped to keyboard
> keys pgup/pgdn/del so it's useful not only in game but in just about
> any program. Scroll with the wheel or just pgup/pgdn with the buttons.

Yeah, I do something similar. The MX700 has all of the MX310's buttons
plus two more, scroll up & down. Luckily, most WinXP apps, including
CoH, recognize the thumb buttons. However, support for the other three
buttons is sketchy, so I map them to PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, and END.
Bradd W. Szonye


Archived from groups: alt.games.coh (More info?)

A related note for HEROICA: The current bind guide at HEROICA states
that the purpose of /lookup, /lookdown, /zoomin, and /zoomout are
unclear. They're intended for keybindings, just like /forward, etc:

+lookup rotate view upward
+lookdown rotate view downward
+zoomin zoom camera in
+zoomout zoom camera out

These are bound to INSERT, DELETE, HOME, and END by default, so it's
pretty easy to check how they work. They allow keyboard control of all
mouse navigation functions. (I don't know how to control the camera
angle with the keyboard, though, just the zoom.)
Bradd W. Szonye