R350 technology...


Aug 19, 2003
I want to ask...
how big of a different is the smartshader 2.1 + smoothvision 2.1 + Hyper Z |||+ on the R350 compare with the R300 version of the above?

does it really have a noticeable impact?

I'm planning the choice between a 9800np and a 9700np...
and beside all the core speed and stuff...I want to know these so call "technology" of the chip...

thz thz~~
i.....urg.....don't know


I'm bored~~~~

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF
When any games will make use of the VERY small differences, those 2 cards will mostly be in discount bins. How many games uses gf3 tech ? only a handful. So my guess is get a 9700p and keep the money to buy something else.
so basically..what u r saying is that...thouse r just Gimmick that ATI sell to the buyer that they r "future proof"
I think 9700np is the best way out of this issue then...since it is cheap and it packs a punch~
so basically..what u r saying is that...thouse r just Gimmick that ATI sell to the buyer that they r "future proof"
I think 9700np is the best way out of this issue then...since it is cheap and it packs a punch~
Its not a gimmick. Its an unchanged but improved design. Not all games/benchmarks see the differences, but some already do, and I believe more will in the future, especially ones that make heavy use of shadows. Also when you turn on high aa + aniso levels, it becomes noticeable.

Basically theres the new F-buffer, which although it will never be used to its full capacity, will make a difference in shader performance (if you hold onto the card for long enough:) Also theres the new 'optimized z-cache' which is supposedly good for some faster complex shadows.
And those are the marketed ones, other than that from what I've heard they've just tweaked some of the different caches on the board, enlarged them, moved them, whatever I don't really know, and all around made it more efficient (as it is cooler than a 9700 at equal speeds).

With a given cooling solution you will be able to get a 9800 Pro to significantly higher speeds (not so significant on the memory, unless its the 256 version). This may be obvious, maybe not, just thought I'd say it, if overclocking is of interest to you.

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd
just get a 9700 pro 128mb. 9800 fps boosts against 9700 is very slight, since both are using 256-bit memory & dx9 support. 9700 is the best choice.

<font color=blue>
<i>COMPUTERS</i> need <b>UPGRADES</b>; <i>UPGRADES</i> need <b>MONEY</b>,
"but" <b>MONEY</b> - heck, <i>it's no easy task. 😱 </i>
</font color=blue>
or not (if you want future-proof gpu) wait for the R360. or NV38.

<font color=blue>
<i>COMPUTERS</i> need <b>UPGRADES</b>; <i>UPGRADES</i> need <b>MONEY</b>,
"but" <b>MONEY</b> - heck, <i>it's no easy task. 😱 </i>
</font color=blue>
i'm not sure, but as far from what i have heard from different sources like inq, gzplanet etc...
R360 - will be sometime in September. (radeon 9900?)
NV38 - early october. (GeforceFX 59.xx?)

<font color=blue>
<i>COMPUTERS</i> need <b>UPGRADES</b>; <i>UPGRADES</i> need <b>MONEY</b>,
"but" <b>MONEY</b> - heck, <i>it's no easy task. 😱 </i>
</font color=blue><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jmecor on 08/23/03 04:26 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
hum...that I have heard as well...
about radeon 9900? which is suppost to be better then 5900...(it's the struggle in between the 2 company...)
but have u heard anything about using the new core to build a mid prices card? or is it just the high end?

as for NV38...hum...heard nth...so I dunno...
The 9800 Pro is the 5900's competitor. The 9900 Pro should offer significantly superior performance.

<b>nVidia cheated on me so I left her for ATi. ATi's hotter anyway...</b>
notice it is a SHOULD...
but the issue is that 9700pro 9800pro r basically just as strong...the real diff is the core and mem speed...

lets just hope that 9900pro has a real big advantage from his brothers...
The 9800pro offers about 20% more performance than the 9700pro. The 9800p doesn't blow away the 9700p, but it is significantly superior. And of course it's a should about the 9900. It's all just speculation at this point.

<b>nVidia cheated on me so I left her for ATi. ATi's hotter anyway...</b>
Check this link (no translation yet):
About the NV38 SPECS.

<A HREF="http://www.3dcenter.de/artikel/2003/07-30.php" target="_new">http://www.3dcenter.de/artikel/2003/07-30.php</A>

<b><font color=red>
"Remain at stock speed"</b> - The Overclocker.
</font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jmecor on 08/24/03 09:16 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
omfg you guys...

hyperz3 is used in every game you play. every 3d game uses the z buffer to calculate distances .. and hyperz is a way to compress the z buffer

hyperz3 to hyperz3+ isnt great. .but what people said before is false. its not a gimmick because its used in every game

smoothvision is the AA engine. it ALSO isnt a gimmick. Smoothvision 2.1 gives a good 20-30 fps boost when using AA over teh R300. and AA is the radeons strong point ,so it CERTINALY ISNT a gimmick ffs

smartshader? pixel shader engine. also used in most games nowadays. not a gimmick because the shader engines on the Radeon series is superior to the nvidia engines

god guys.. sometimes you make me laugh!


<A HREF="http://www.teenirc.net/chat/tomshardware.html" target="_new"> come to THGC chat~ NOW. dont make me get up ffs @#@$</A>
these r the translated main point...(done with google online translator...)

~been based directly on the NV35 (GeForceFX 5900/Ultra)
~probably only slight fixed and/or improvements opposite the NV35
~Sales name possibly GeForceFX 6000 or GeForceFX 6900
Ultra and non Ultra version planned
~Chip clock Ultra version: 500 to 550 MHz
~Storing act Ultra version: 500 MHz (physical 500 MHz)
~Conception in September 2003

hum...a small advantage over the 5900 ultra...
also it is mention down below...

"Natural is thereby nVidia not automatically in front, because only once one must also really realize the chip clock from 500 to 550 MHz for the NV38-Chip. Those clock frequencies sound themselves in addition also rather only after planning specifications as after material reached clock frequencies, with which it is well possible that the entgueltigen clock frequencies of the NV38 rank also only at the lower end of this planning. With a Duel R360 @ 430 MHz (upper end of our estimation) against NV38 @ 500 MHz (lower end of planning) would be then probably again the ATi chip in the advantage, if also the storing act would fit."
duel??? 2 GPU???

also the new NV38 will be following the 5900ultra with 4 pipleline with 2 texture unit...unlike the 9800pro..with 8/1...

it also said that we r only looking @ highend card...(so no budget card in prespective???)

I guess we all just have to wait till sep to see ATI and NV battle it out..
It's a trick! There is no such thing as an R350, it's just a rebadge R300! Actually, it's a new stepping. All they did was fix a few minor bugs which made the R300 run hot, and raised the clock speed. So what of these newer features? Smoke and mirrors my friend, it's all done with software! Yes, you can crack the ATI driver to make a 9700 Pro into an underclocked 9800.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Almost crash almost!

I've seen benchmarks with a 9700 at identical speeds (and the driver hack). Got ALMOST (like 99%), but not quite the same scores/fps, most of the time, and a few times it lagged behind noticably, as odd as that is.. mustve been the bugs they fixed:)

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Willamette_Sucks on 08/24/03 07:42 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Isn't it amazing that they still produce both the older and newer versions? When they could just relable the 9800 core as a 9700, and with 9700 BIOS and so forth have the 9700 and 9800 both come off the same platter?

I mean, it seems like narrowing it down from 2 revisions to 1 could save money!

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
hum..ya..thats what I heard...
thats why the 9700np/p is the best @ which it has basically the same core..with just some underclocking...

and that is why there is such little advance in performance between the 2...and that is one of the main reason why 5900ultra can out perform the 9800pro @ doom3(a test for future proof?)
As far as I know, the 5900 series is no more advanced than the 9800 series, it's just a bit faster at some things, and will likely continue to be very close to the 9800 in performance for the life of the card.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>