R9 270X vs GTX 760


Aug 31, 2014
Hello, when I was looking to buy the R9 270X on newegg I saw the gtx 760 for only about 30 bucks more, I was wondering if the GTX 760 is worth the 30 dollars or should I just stick with the R9 270X i'm having a hard time deciding so I figured I'd ask here. Also I have a crappy A8 3850 APU and was wondering would it be fine with one of these two cards, I hope so because I don't think I'll have enough to buy a cpu and gpu. One last thing to, I'm going to need a new PSU and was wondering if I should get a higher powered psu in case I want to sli or crossfire in the future. Thanks for reading! R9 270X http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202059&cm_re=r9_270x-_-14-202-059-_-Product GTX 760 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130932