R9 280 PSU Questions????

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Thai Do

Jul 20, 2015
So the story is I bought a R9 280 for 7 8 months ago. for 3 5 days it worked perfect..then i packed everything went back my country after graduated. At the same time i also upgrade my rig,
CPU: intel i5 3rd gen , socket 1155
Mobo: Asrock z77 pro3
VGA: R9 280 - old readon HD 7850
1 module 8GB ddr3
HDD: 1TB HDD vs 3TB HDD (all Seagate 7200rpm)
SSD: Seagate around 250GB
PSU: i dont remember exacly brand name here but its 500W (not a popular name like Corsair, CM) i think it is ThermalTake (it is not good right???)
Corsair H100i Hydro CPU Cooler

everything is started when i go back my country.
after 1 week my computer start black screen and got freeze screen (just surfing internet and play Dota2, Diablo3)
I check main, VGA....I found out VGA slot has broken a little ( i guess because of transportation during flight)
I change Mobo and also CPU

==> CPU: i5 4460 Haswel
==> Main: Msi z97 gaming 3

setup is done, same problem happened

checking hardwarezone.com.sg, tomharware, newegg.....
==> sum up all answers:
- PSU problem
- Software up-to-date ( i got this one )

So is it right?? PSU wattage supply not enough to run these components
Also sometime, my computer is automatic turn on, this is Software/Bios situation or PSU???

Im considering some new PSU of corsair : CX series, CS series and exactly RM1000 (very cheap in my country around 150 USD ). What should i buy to run these stuffs??? CX , CS or RM1000 ; if CS, CX it will be 750 or 650 is enough???

CX 600 = 66.42 USD
CX 750 = 90 USD
CS 650M = 98.97 USD
CS 750M = 109.97 USD
RM 650 = 131.06 USD
RM 1000 = 137.52 USD

thats all im considering... give me some advise plz.... maybe different brand name like EVGA, CM, Zalman (budget, suitable, performance PSU)

Sr for bad english
I'd make sure the power supply you have has the same rating as your country since not all of them are the same. Some are 110v, some are 220v. If your PSU does not have active PFC, which you can tell by whether or not there is a little red switch on the back of the unit, then you may have to switch it to 220v if coming from the USA. And yes, most of Thermaltake, Corsair and Cooler Master power supplies are low quality or at least not good quality for the price they ask for them.

What country are you in and what country WERE you in?
old Thermaltake (all set except new Mobo and CPU) i bought in Singapore.....and i live in Vietnam.... Can u advice me some good PSU for my case???


i got this one.thank.....and can u pick another 1 if i want to setup Crossfire and for any upgrade in the future
The 620w version of the M12II and S12II, the S12II not being modular and the M12II being modular, would be better, but it WILL run on the 520w if you're not overclocking anything.

Here are MSI's recommended power supply requirements, which we KNOW are generally more than what is actually needed, so 520w is enough with a very good model or unit. Again, 550w or higher would be better but is not strictly essential.

Radeon R9 Fury X - 32A and a 600W psu minimum
Radeon R9-390X - 29A and a 550-600W psu minimum
Radeon R9-380 - 28A and a 500W psu minimum
Radeon R9-370 - 17A and a 450W psu minimum
Radeon R9-295X2 - 52A and a 800W psu minimum
Radeon R9-290X - 33A and a 600W psu minimum
Radeon R9-290 - 31A and a 550W psu minimum
Radeon R9-285 - 25A and a 500W psu minimum
Radeon R9-280X - 30A and a 550W psu minimum
Radeon R9-280 - 25A and a 500W psu minimum
here is Tom's Hardware PSU reference guide , or buyers guide, for all PSU makers active in 2014.

The guide will show the manufacturer and UL number, vendor and designer(not in that order) in some power supplies are the same model but under a different vendor may cost more or less. I started the article on page 5 where Corsair is. As you can see the RM,CX,CS brands are from the same model. Corsair may have put their finishing touch in the RM to have it run silent

i have read that link, all tier 1 and 2 in my country, some have - some not have....and for all of them===> price is expensive, higher than normal about 20%
Good hardware ain't cheap brother. If you want something that's going to last you five to ten years, it's well worth paying a premium over a model like the Corsair CX units that probably won't make it to or beyond it's 3 year warranty. We see a LOT of the Corsair CX, CS, RM and VS units here with problems. I'd avoid them if it were my machine. I'd stick to units made or sold by Seasonic, Super Flower, XFX, some Antec models and some EVGA models. There are Corsair, Cooler Master and Thermaltake models that are good, but the ones that are are overpriced and you can generally get just as good or better unit for less.

i agree with that. Maybe i sticked to much on "Brand Name" :)). Anyway Thank bro. I'll get that seasonic.
Ah 1 more thing..help me pick a RAM plz 😀 16GB (2x8GB) 1600

Bro, i got the PSU name which im using.....Silverstone ST50F-ES (http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=248&area=en)
Is it my problems????

i bought this in Singapore
i checked this.http://www.silverstonetek.com/downloads/PSU/GPU-supportlist.pdf just support to r9 270x not mine r9 280. is it right
Well, with a very good unit, which that Silverstone is not as seen at the following review, a 500w unit would probably have gotten you by but not with a mediocre unit. For gaming and enthusiast machines we like to see power supplies that score above 9 on review scoring, that unit scores well below that with poor voltage regulation and hold up time.


It could go either way but since the PC was working previously I'd think it's either a faulty power supply or even possibly the graphics card was damaged along with the PCI slot and is causing your issue. If your CPU has integrated graphics I might try removing the graphics card and connecting the monitor to the motherboard video output to see if the GPU card is causing your problems.

I also think its a VGA, i have send back to Singapore for RMA, this time is second time. First time, they said nothing, everything is ok, they checked, its run. I brought home, same thing happened. I send to my friend one more time, and this time i left it there for them to check the whole thing. Today or tmr my friend will come to ask them. if everything is ok, prob will be a PSU. Now im using Powercolor readon Hd7850 (old one before change to msi).Same PCI slot. its working.
But now my com is very noisy. Time to change PSU.
Yeah, if it's working fine with a different graphics card, then it's most likely the other card has a problem. The problem with that card COULD be the result of a problem with the power supply. Since the power supply you have is pretty borderline anyhow, it might just be a really good idea to replace it with one of the models we talked about. Any of these would be good:

For the R9 280 single card:



Modular for single card: http://www.hanoicomputer.vn/nguon-seasonic-620w-m12ii-evo-edition/p26721.html

For crossfire:




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