R9 380 or R9 290

The 290 is more horsepower, but I would get a 380. If you can afford it, get a 390. For the price, the 390 is one of the best cards right now along with the GTX 970. The 300 series will fully support DX12, the 200 series will not. That alone makes it very hard for me to recommend a 200 series card.
I'm afraid i don''t have enough money to buy 390,My budget is 300-350$ so I will see what GPU i'll buy.Thank you for fast replay :)
P.S Sorry for my bad English...

The 380 is a decent card no doubt if you want to go the AMD route. I'd also recommend the GTX 960 in the same price range. It consumes a lot less power, which can be a big deal depending on where you live. I just can't recommend a 200 series card because of the lack of full DX12 support.

If your budget is 300-350$ USD then that's enough for a 390, but you might be talking about CAD or something else.

No worries about the language, your English is good. I understand exactly what you're saying.
I'm not quite a fan of Nvidia cards,I don't like them honestly...
How do you know 200 series aren't getting DX12 support?
Here,In Serbia,where i live prices of GPU-s aren't the same as on the Ebay and Amazon(I don't buy items on ebay and others,maybe in the future...)

If you like AMD, then the 380 is fine. Microsoft has said you'll need a 900 series GTX/Titan X card or a 300-series/Fury card for full dx12 support. You can use DX12 on 200-series cards, but not the full package.
Yes,I like AMD cards,my first card that I've got was an AMD card.I will buy R9 380 then,thank you for the required informations :)
And yes,what's the best cpu for r9 380? (It doesn't matter if it's AMD or Intel)
See , as of benchmarks out by now , The r9 290 Outperforms the r9 380 2/4 GB versions , and the r9 380 itself degrades the gtx 960 by 5-10% , now cosidering the price=
gtx 960 --> ~$210
r9 380 --> ~$210
r9 290 --> ~$300

Now most probably you don't live in the US , otherwise you would have got yourself a 970 or r9 390 in the $350 price range , I'd go with r9 380 , or if you can wait a week or so and see some more reviews , and maybe some price drops in the nvidia 900 series. If the situation remains the same , go with sapphire NITRO 4 GB r9 380 --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202149&ignorebbr=1&cm_re=PPSSQASCRVHZAW-_-14-202-149-_-Product

Any intel core i5 4th generation CPU will be plenty for gaming, if that's what you're looking to do.
I'd say go for Intel if you have the budget , otherwise something like a FX 83XX would be good , but would have higher power consumption again and more heat.