R9 380 Safe gaming temps. for hours?


Mar 25, 2016
Okay so I recently got a PowerColor PCS+ 4gb R9 380, I launch my system (Windows 10) and I check the temp at desktop "61C"... I get a bit nervous but using the Radeon Software from AMD, im able to check the fan speeds, apperantly its around 35% - 38%, So I raise it, It balances out at around 53 (54% Fan speed 52C). So I transfer Metro Last Light to my PC, then start playing at High settings with my resolution set to 1920x1080, I see my gpu temps rise, after setting the fans to 80% the gpu temp sits at around 70C-75C. Im afraid when I play games like Planetside 2 and Star wars battlefront this will rise, What can I do or is this normal?

What are the safe operating temps for my r9 380 to be at for abt 4 hours of gaming straight?
AMD chip sets tend to get hot, so if you go for something like The Wicher 3 you may reach up to 70C. But fear not unless your graphics card does not get higher than approximately 90C you will most probably be safe (If you manage to do that please tell me how) If you want to monitor your temps and customize your fan's speed I recommend you download MSI afterburner. If you want to get more information you can whach a video by linus here ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuP6I0mOb1s
Did you buy it used?

That's not normal, unless your ambient temperature is like 40 C.

I have a very bad case not suited for an R9 380, and it's fans are pointing towards the PSU fan, the only way for air to escape is a small l90 mm fan on the bottom, but both my GPU and PSU are at the top. The only way for air to escape through the PSU is via the back vent holes where you connect to power cable to, and I'm still idling 44 C at 25% fan speed. The GPU make & model is XFX 380 4 GB, PSU is XFX TS 550W. The ambient temperature is hovering around 26-27 C. I suspect the problem is bad thermal paste, or bad thermal paste application, if it's used.

Edit: No, 75 C is perfectly acceptable, when you reach 90 C that's when you should look into improving it, but you shouldn't have to increase fan speed that high. It must be really loud!

All the best!

Im not sure if there even is thermal paste, I didn't make the pc, I only chose the parts.

Im in the philippines and we're going through El Nino (although I think its ending soon) and we usually get 29C-30C 😛

ok its not normal but is it still safe? I have no idea what the temps will go through in more graphically demanding games..

Dyk at what temps it would start to do that?
I'm not sure actually, but you'll notice when your graphics card is shutting down your whole computer. 😛

I can tell you how it works though.

Your graphics card has got a max operating temperature, if it reaches that, the graphics card driver is going to throttle the performance, to prevent further increase in temperature. If it continues to rise despite throttling it, the driver is going to shutdown your whole computer. This should happen around 100 C, but it may vary + - 5 depending on graphics card.

AMD chip sets tend to get hot, so if you go for something like The Wicher 3 you may reach up to 70C. But fear not unless your graphics card does not get higher than approximately 90C you will most probably be safe (If you manage to do that please tell me how) If you want to monitor your temps and customize your fan's speed I recommend you download MSI afterburner. If you want to get more information you can whach a video by linus here ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuP6I0mOb1s