Question R9 3900X with gtx 1660ti for streaming.


May 30, 2014
i am using an i5 4690k paired up with a gtx 1660ti , now i wanted to stream on a single pc so will 3900x with 1660ti do the work or il still face the frame drops while streaming through obs. will this do or should i go for Intel i9 or do i have to upgrade my gpu with cpu like going for a 3800x with 2070 super?.

plz help
I'd agree with @keith12 regarding the CPU. Might even be able to easily step down to a 3600/3600X, though I have never used OBS or streamed. An i9 would be a waste of money.

As to the video card, that depends:

  • What is your monitor's resolution?
  • What is your monitor's refresh rate?
  • Does your monitor have FreeSync, GSync, or neither?
    • If FreeSync, what is the FreeSync Range?
  • If you don't have this info, then the exact brand and model number of the monitor would be helpful.
I'd agree with @keith12 regarding the CPU. Might even be able to easily step down to a 3600/3600X, though I have never used OBS or streamed. An i9 would be a waste of money.

As to the video card, that depends:

  • What is your monitor's resolution?
  • What is your monitor's refresh rate?
  • Does your monitor have FreeSync, GSync, or neither?
    • If FreeSync, what is the FreeSync Range?
  • If you don't have this info, then the exact brand and model number of the monitor would be helpful.
Ok, it looks like no adaptive sync, so I guess you'd likely set your monitor to 60Hz, and want to game at that number of frames/sec? Depends on the game, though, some will go way faster, some might struggle to hit 60fps with the 1660Ti. You could try it out, then upgrade the video card later should the need arise.
Instead of going overboard with 12 cores, 'settle' for 8 with the 3700...

Cores and threads to spare, even with streaming. (If you do a lot of rendering/CPU-based editing, etc., and want 12 cores, great, the 3900X is nice, but, the extra 4 cores are pretty much wasted on games, giving zero benefit...
Whats your framerate target on streaming? I think Ryzen 5 3600 will easily handle fast gaming and streaming. Also, 1660ti is very capable and it can run lighter titles at 144fps. If you really want somethng serious, you could go for a Ryzen 7 3700x and a RTX 2060 super (at least)
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