[Radeon HD 5770] Core Clock Getting Stuck at 400 MHz


May 17, 2015
I've had this problem for a few days now. The card's core clock gets stuck on 400 MHz no matter what I do with Catalyst or Afterburner. I've noticed it tends to happen after I lock or sleep the computer.
I've tried reinstalling the drivers, I've tried installing the beta and the WHQL drivers. I've used AMD's cleanup utility, so I can't understand how the problem is persisting.
Is there anything I may have missed?
You should actually never put to sleep or Lock a computer. If you are going away and you know you are coming back soon then let the computer be... If you are going out and you dont know when to come back you should actually TURN IT OFF.
It causes many drivers to have compatibility issues after waking up and also severally damages / Pushes the PSU very hard.

Also... Did you use the Over Ride AMD official Overclocking limits on the MSI After burner panel ?

I just have many many friends that just let the computer ON / suspended for Quite a long time and then they come up crying that PSU's this days are shit but they got them working 24/7 for like... idk... half a year ?