Radeon r9 280 3g or r9 380 4g


Feb 21, 2016
Hey guys just curious I'm looking at building my first budget gaming pc. I have a list but I don't want to waste money. So I have been looking at two different graphics cards but not sure which is better. XFX Radeon R9 280 3g or Gigabyte Radeon R9 380 4GB SOC . I think they are pretty similar from what I have read but not 100% sure. Thanks for any advise you guys can send my way.
Are their clocks the same speed? On the reference models, the 380 has a slightly faster core and memory clock than the 280. Plus there are a few performance tweaks in the 380. I doubt you'd see any real noticeable difference in real life tho. But the 380 use slight less wattage, which is a good thing.

At 1080p, the difference in VRAM isn't a big deal. I doubt you'll use over 3GB, but more won't hurt. And if you use VSR, the extra VRAM may actually be a benefit. Not sure how VSR uses VRAM tho.