Radeon R9 295X2 vs Nvidia Titan Z

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Denis Stoikovski

Feb 2, 2014
Ofc i don't have the money to buy none of the above but am curious some all cites and pages say that the r9 295x2 is the world fastest gpu am nvidia fan and the new titan z should be faster i mean the nvidia is 10x times better at performance and the titan z is 3000$ this radeon card is 1500$ so is this gpu better than the titan z?
"and the new titan z should be faster i mean the nvidia is 10x times better at performance and the titan z is 3000$ this radeon card is 1500$"

If you have no idea about the performance of high end GPU why do you make assumptions like "nvidia is 10x times better at performance"? The Titan Z has not been reviewed yet but the performance of the 295X is very likly better. Nvidia wants 3000$ because they think they can demand 3000$ that's all there is to it.
The TITAN Z is basically two TITAN BLACKs in SLI while the R9 295X2 is two R9 290Xs in crossfire. This means that the TITAN Z is the most powerful GPU out of the two. The reason the AMD is said to be the fastest on the market is because the TITAN Z is not out yet.

So basically the Nvidia one is more powerful, but the AMD one gives you better bang for your buck.

How do you know that? The clockrates have not been revealed yet.


A Titan Black is faster than an R9 290X, so the Titan Z will probably be faster than the R9 295X2
The clockrates are really not so important in this argument. The card has 12Gb's or 6 GB's per GPU, plus the titan black just in one form is faster performing than the 290x even afters it's been overclocked. Think about what you are saying here. the 295x2 is a very good GPU very fast and would make the owner giddy even me as an Nvidia partial consumer would enjoy having it but it's far fetched to believe it will outperform the Titan-Z.

So you know that the GTX Titan Z comes with a 889 MHz baseclock?

Example: The 690 had a ~100 MHz lower baseclock than a 680.



I don't know it with 100% certainty, but aside from the clock speeds it's just two TITAN BLACKs.

As you can see, a TITAN BLACK beats the R9 290X with ease: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2014/02/26/nvidia-geforce-gtx-titan-black-review/3

That means the TITAN Z would have to be underclocked quite a bit for it to lose to the R9 295X2.

Nvidia has been in the business for a long time so I don't think they just set the prices to whatever they want and hope people will pay. As I said, it'll probably be more powerful (not necessarily very much), but that and the bigger amount of memory will make it very tempting to people who can afford cards like these.

Still, it probably costs so much more than the R9 295X2 because of diminishing returns.

No nvidia gpu card is no were near as powerful as the amd 295x people who post just because there nvidia fans only say nvidia is better because nvidia has failed the gpu market since 2005 there still making 384bit gpu bus cards omg there expensive too boot amd make 512 bit gpu bus cards which gpu bus is wsy mote important then ram bus that really does nothing just give your computer extra memory so it doesnt have to relying on your system memory nothing else the titan z x2 vs the amd 295x2amd wins hands fown check on any site snd compare the specs.!! NVIDIA LOL.

And we are the fanboys here... Funny.

nvidia has failed since 2005 eh? 😀 . anyway i just assume you do this on purpose to incite flame war to this thread....try better next time 😛
When speaking of price to performance, the 295x2 is going to demolish the Titan Z. But Nvidia will still have the fastest GPU on the market.


Lol for what sake maybe am curious have problem with that? Every people on this cite i saw so far were nice helpful and now you nvidia vs radeon fanboys dude i just asked which is better cause of the price between them..

above all else there is no Titan Z benchmark available yet. people can debate which is which is better but as i said in my very first post in this thread both card cater to different group of people. so in the end it depends on what you expect from these card.
My 2 cents:

Judging from the performance reviews of the Titan Black and the 290X, the Titan Z should best the 295X2 by the same small margin. However at my preferred resolution of 5760x1080 the Titan Black only bests the 290X by 1 or 2 frames in most instances so it's real hard to justify the additional $500 in price.

This price difference will only grow exponentially more ridiculous with the Titan Z slated to sell at twice the price of AMD's $1,500 295X2.

So yes Nvidia’s $3,000 Titan Z graphics card will most likely be king of the hill, but at what cost when a card at half the price is almost as good, and two 295X2 at the same price will completely blow it out of the water!

IMO the Titan Z will be a great card at an idiotic price. As far as one card being a pro card and the other being a gaming card, that is complete rubbish! Both of these cards are gamers that can be used successfully in many professional applications as well. If either of these cards were pro cards they would be called Quadro's or FirePro's

i said Titan Z is semi pro card not full fledge pro card like Quadros. in fact Titan is more like Tesla instead of Quadro. with any Titan there is option to unlock full DP performance which is not available on regular geforce. the R9 295x2 did not offer this. if you want the latest AMD card without DP restriction you have to get the latest W9100. Titan was suppose to be a gaming card but also with unlocked pro feature (although it will not get pro driver and support from nvidia) but the gaming part on Titan become useless when nvidia came up with cards like GTX780 and GTX780Ti. like Ken from PC Perspective once said in their podcast that nvidia have some kind of brand confusion with Titan. it bears the Geforce brand but at the same time nvidia is not exactly aiming gamer crowd with titan.
From my experience, the AMDs have been cheaper than the Nvidia cards though the nvidias have been A LOT MORE powerful AMD has always had the consumer side of price over power

Now the 295 has a lot of power, think of it has 2 290x's on one board
And the Titan z is 2 of its predecessor
But like I said
Think of it as price over power
The r9 295 x2 is suppose to have 15 something teraflops of power and the older Titan has 5 something .... The Titan is 800? And the new r9 is 1500
It's 3 times more powerful and only less than 2x the price? Which is a better deal? I am speaking off of what I saw though sooo if I am wrong I am wrong.

Now the new Titan z is $3000... But how much more powerful is it than the new 295 x2? Also Mantle gaming is consign out which is only for amd cards and runs with it perfectly.
Kinda like how Nvidia has Advance physix
Sooo 15 t-flops for $1500 vs xx-flops on the new Titan z. Wait for it to come out before comparing

And never say something is better until you see proof
AMD is stepping up on this and is really going against GTX series cards.
I have played with the amd 7770 2gb of edition
And the GTX of the same price. GTX beat it.
I played withy the 7990, and the GTX 780... 780 beat it all because of timing and research.
AMD has released the 295, now it's gtx's turn ... Wait for both sides before going with who.

Yeah that is true. But remember it is also new. Maybe the drivers aren't efficient for it yet?

I'm not sure though. I love amd but also hate them.

I do love GTX for nearly never failing and great performance and frames
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