Brantyn Gerik
Yep, glad to see the discussion was for the most part mature
Though i expect to see some new discussion once the cards are actually released.

It is obvious that you, too are a fanboy.X3R0CAST :Adam Scheckler :renz496 :the problem is the two serve two different kind of market. Titan Z is semi pro card while R9 295x2 is a gaming card.
No nvidia gpu card is no were near as powerful as the amd 295x people who post just because there nvidia fans only say nvidia is better because nvidia has failed the gpu market since 2005 there still making 384bit gpu bus cards omg there expensive too boot amd make 512 bit gpu bus cards which gpu bus is wsy mote important then ram bus that really does nothing just give your computer extra memory so it doesnt have to relying on your system memory nothing else the titan z x2 vs the amd 295x2amd wins hands fown check on any site snd compare the specs.!! NVIDIA LOL.
Okay so firstly you are a fan boy. I have personally owned both AMD and Nvidia GPU's, nvidia does ask more for their GPU's but they have native physics, shadowplay, better tesselation (as far as i know correct me if i am wrong) FXAA, adpative Vsync and G-sync (this one only applies to the more extreme).
There is a reason why their cards cost more than Radeon. just like why intel costs more than AMD , when considering you get more features for what like 50$ more to get built in game recording and other game enhancements (though small) they kind of do come out the same, so don't say buying a Nvidia card is not worth it.
Do not make assumptions that the R9 295X2 is better than the Titan-Z, Afterall the card isn't even out yet. Seeing how the Titan Black does perform better than the R9 290X and the R9 295X2 is 2 R9 290X's two titan black's should IN THEORY be better. Granted benchmarks have been done Via doing SLI Titan blacks vs R9 295X2 and the radeon won, But coming to a conclusion the R9 295X2 has watercooling and will most likely be OC'ed whilst doing benchmarks. remove watercooling and your performance will go down drastically. Add it to the Titan blacks have them do a OC to same measures and im sure your performance will be less than the Titan-Z.
Once again this is based upon theory and do not shit yourself while reading this. The Titan-Z has NOT been released yet.