RAM errors. HELP!!

Jan 19, 2019
Ram I bought: https://www.ebay.com/itm/220948907102

I have a Dell Optiplex 755. I put it in the PC and it boots but occasionally I get a kernel error. I have searched it up and it has to do with your motherboard not being compatible with the am itself I believe.

The mother board model number is cn-ogm819-13740-816-024v

Please help!

I have not yet. I need to reinstall windows because I was restarting Windows in case it was a messed up driver or windows causing the issue. Whilst installing, I got the error and Windows corrupted so I should probably put my old memory in and use that

I would take a look at all the capacitors on that MB for swelling at the top, or stains in the grooves on the metal cap or leakage out the bottom. That's the way they usually fail. It's a 10 year old system and just luck of the draw as far as when this happens. Some of them were used long and hard in business settings.

I have removed 2 of the sticks and it appears that the error has overall stopped. I would like to add the other sticks at a later time. I will update you when I do
So is the issue me not purchasing the right ram or is it something else? I can boot the system and do normal tasks but sometimes it just gives me errors and restarts. I really need to get this resolved as it is a re-occurring issue now.