Ram usage increased to 90% all the time, Problem.

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Feb 23, 2013
So for the past week my RAM usage seem to have increased dramaticly, it now says it is up to 90% ram usage... :/
I dont know the cause but it may have happened when i drove to a LAN or drove home from a LAN party the past week. Although nothing unusual happend to it that could be a possible cause.
I can't play any games especially not bf4 because when i do my RAM goes up to ~97% usage.
Do you guys think that i should contact the store that sold it to me and let them test it and then give me a new ram that i can have, or should i maybe test my brothers ram (which is the same as mine)? My Ram is btw G.Skill Ripjaw 8gb, any help is appreciated! :)
Windows 8, Asrock 970 extreme4, gigabyte 7870, Amd Fx-8320, Corsair CX 750m

That is the weird part, i see the chrome processors taking up 300 mb of ram and skupe taking 80 mb ram, that is normal. But then when i add all the processor together it just sums up to 700 mb of ram... what the heck.
And yes it laggs in game as to be expected when something like this happen.

it says this in the ram section:
Using: 7.6 GB Available: 317 MB
Dedicated viritual memory: 9.2/15.3 GB CacheStored: 301 MB

paged Pool or something: 204 MB Not paged Pool: 6.4 GB

(I translated some of these so they may not be correct in English, but they do occur in this order in my computer).
since your using windows 8,

press the windows key + r button to open the "run command window" then type msconfig
if not, go to metro view on the top right use the search function and type msconfig
or if nothing comes up, try system configuration.

next on the starup tab, check for the applications that automatically launch when the system boots up. just check for the things that shouldn't be there.

Nothing unusual, but i dont think that is the problem. As i said all my processors just count up to 700mb of space and i have 8 gb... i am so confused. 🙁

then i will compare my brothers same ram as mine into my computer. I will reply later.

damit i didnt mean to do "pick as solution" sorry, but regarding your answer... I dont have a windows 7 pc, I have windows 8.1. and the problem is that I dont use all of that 96% (7600mb) of RAM i only use about 8% idle (700mb) and it says and acts like i use 96% :S which is so frustrating! I cant play game, draw in photoshop or even make animations... answers PLEAS! 🙁

So i did it, but it changed nothing... :/ I also tested switching lanes from blue to white but that did nothing too... any help? what should I do, reinstall my OS or is it my Motherboard that is faulty? I have had the computer for 7 months now so it seems a little strange that it would brake now... I could go to a computer repairing shop and then they could help me, but i do want to solve this myself first before i hand it over to someone else.

I moved the question here: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2138571/ram-usage.html

Well i mean if reinstalling the OS is the only option then io would ofcourse do that, but what more can you guys do to help me? I cant thank you enough for you to help me! :)

Well i am going to reinstall windows 8 and then if that doesn't work i am going to send the computer in for repair. I just spoke to a friend and he says that the game i have been playing called SMITE is badly coded, and could make your ram leak and do weird stuff so that could be a problem too... should i deinstall smite then reinstall windows and then install smite again? what do you think?

Dude i Booted my windows in safe mode and my ram was at 15%, so i know it is caused by a driver or a program in my computer (maybe smite). Then i booted it back normally and guess what... it worked somehow.
It now says that the ram is normal like before it is at 26 %,
I just want know why this worked i am really interested on how booting in safe mode then back to normal could help my computer. Thanks for your help any way, do you know why it helped? :)

yeah but i mean why did booting in safe mode then back to normal, make the ram issue go away?
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