

May 25, 2012
Ok sports fans just got the i7 2600k (it was on sale)been using a E8400 and now looking at mothers and ram(I'm just stupid enought to ask questions)I dont game but use my system as a home base recording console and general desktop two moniters one vga the other hdmi as I'v been reading it would seem theres enought punch in this chip I can do away with my video card (1 gb) as well as my sound cards ( some double throw down platinem something or other)as my inter -face should handle my midi/guitar input (I'v allways had problems with the three sound cards on the system I can git it to work but have to jump four hoops make three changes roll a drunk and restart)so heres the question my thought is to run two 8gb sticks (1333 duel)(16gb) and see how the system runs as I can add two more @ 8gb if needed I do some video to sound edits (pro tools/mix craft/fl/ the biggest thing I'm looking for is to reduce the lag time from input (guitar/midi/vocal/) to live on the fly out-put to the moniters bottom line how much sdramXXX #@5^^^7 bla bla bla do I need ??? and am I going to have to get into overclocking
I had terrible lag using a line 6 guitar port on windows 7, it worked fine on XP.

Never found a solution unfortunatley 🙁

I don't think the problem is caused by your RAM, I have the same ram installed on XP & W7.