Rambus showing their true colours


Feb 8, 2001
Rambus shares fall 32% after Infeneon brought forward racketeering claims against them. Judge Robert E. Payne Allows this to go ahead.

What is happening, first they lie about one of their employees and now this???

What is wrong with these people.

<A HREF="http://dowjones.work.com/index.asp?layout=display_news&searchtext=rambus&doc_id=DJ200103151942DOWJONESDJONLINE000806&source= Dow Jones Business News" target="_new">Dow Jones</A>

<i><b><font color=red>"2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2"</font color=red></b></i>


Feb 9, 2001
I find it most impressive. Here's how it really works.

Laws of Business
1. Money=good + power
2. Sex=good
3. Sex for Money=bad
4. Money for Sex=really bad + 'John TV'

This particular situation applies to rule #1. Cash is the motivating factor in this case. Once you factor the cash out of the integral, you can look at the rest of the situation, because you know the motivating force. Which more than likely, Rambus saw that ntel releases a new processor every year that cannot be 'plugged' into an old motherboard. This is a good marketing strategy because you force someone to completely revamp (i.e. swap out) their computer to maintain a top-of-the-line system. That equates to Mega (not milli or deci, mind you) profits, which means you can dominate the market creating a self-sustaining cycle.

If my conscience wouldn't bother me for the rest of my life, I'd be doing the exact same thing too. Wouldn't you?