Question Random attempting to reconnect League of legends

Mar 25, 2020
Hello everyone! Since last month I've been dealing with random attempting to reconnect messages in League of legends which totally ruins the game for me. My internet has no problems since when this is happening i can still communicate with my friends through voice chat. Also I'm using Ethernet. What else could be the problem? I believe it has nothing to do with the internet but rather with the hardware as i don't have a good PC.
I have the same problem. Did you solve it? If not maybe we could discuss what we did or what changed, the PC specs, anything to solve this.. [personal info removed]
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I have the same problem. Did you solve it? If not maybe we could discuss what we did or what changed, the PC specs, anything to solve this.. [personal info removed]
Hello,since the last month i keep getting the same problem,playing and randomly attempt to reconnect for a few seconds,did you managed to solve this?