Random automatic alt+tabbing out of games "WHILE TRYING TO PLAY"

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Nov 19, 2015
Hi this is a new annoying issue that my pc has i want to find out whats causing the issue and hopefully how to fix it.

So while im playing any game it randomly alt+tabs out so i have to click on the game which is now mysteriously running in back ground to continue gaming again its very much like alt+tabbing ONLY im not im trying to play!!!

it could be while im travelling along the highway at 80MPH on euro trucks then all of a sudden the game freezes as if i hit alt+tab so i quickly click the game only to find that my truck has drove off the highway into a ditch some place with my cargo and truck destroyed!, in GTA 5 it can be frustrating especially in missions when you need to be there on point well game freeze "ALT+TABS" and sometimes this makes me fail the mission, AGAIN a simple click to the game gets it going again please bare in mind this is not a game crash its simply alt+tabbing all on its own, watch dogs 2 same thing! its alt+tabbing!

try it now on your own pc im sure its a hotkey all gamers are familiar with alt+tab your game you will either see your game frozen in background or minimized either way thats what im experiencing please help its driving me nuts! im ] [ this close to deleting everything on my pc because its doing this!

Tried scanning for viruses and malware and adware nothing found, tried reinstalling the GPU driver STILL giving me grief i dont know where else to turn.

PC specs:
Windows 10 Professional 64bit (R)
Corsair H75 HYDRO COOL
AMD FX8350 8 Core 4.01GHz
16GB Hyper fury 1600mhz DDR3 RAM (2x 8GB)
Asus Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 Strix Direct CU II 4GB
1TB SATA harddrive
Corsair CX750W

thing is i play with an xbox control pad im not touching the keyboard

i haven't changed anything to do with controls or keyboard. however i did notice this issue when i updated my gpu driver like 2 updates ago, i thought it was just a bug that would some how fix itself but nope still happening its not going away it randomly happens a few times a day it seems to do it like 20 mins after first loading the game could be an hour or 2 before it does it again. it doesnt happen very much but a pain in the 'A' when it does, i got a team to keep happy this is no good.

is it gonna be something stupid like faulty keyboard or pad etc or could it be more serious risking my important hardware? id be devastated if i broke something just because i didnt find the issue in time.

Just thought I would throw it out there incase someone else had that installed.

No its not included in windows.
I know this is an old thread, and I don't have a solution, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

I have the same issue. It occurs in every game I've tested, but ONLY when using a (wired) Xbox one controller.
The alt-tabbing is not connected to any particular input, either on the gamepad or on the keyboard and mouse. I know this because it has occurred many times during cutscenes, while I am not touching any input device.

The alt-tabbing is almost rhythmic: it always occurs in pairs, with an interval of about a minute between each alt-tab. (That is to say, the game tabs, I tab back in, and a minute later, the game tabs out again.) These events occur roughly every 20 - 30 minutes.

This issue has been present, without fail and in exactly the same form, ever since I started using an Xbox controller about 2 months ago.

My GPU drivers are up-to-date, my temps are fine, and whatever "Citrix Receiver" is, it's not installed on my PC.

I'm starting to get pretty pissed with it, because I cannot play Dark Souls, or any other game which lacks a pause feature, with this issue.

Thanks for being involved, guys. I know very little about the subject, and I'd appreciate any help that anybody can give.

You're right, that's completely crazy, but I LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE

This is the kind of creativity we need more of... I'll turn my phone off just in case 😉
Hi this is a new annoying issue that my pc has i want to find out whats causing the issue and hopefully how to fix it.

So while im playing any game it randomly alt+tabs out so i have to click on the game which is now mysteriously running in back ground to continue gaming again its very much like alt+tabbing ONLY im not im trying to play!!!

it could be while im travelling along the highway at 80MPH on euro trucks then all of a sudden the game freezes as if i hit alt+tab so i quickly click the game only to find that my truck has drove off the highway into a ditch some place with my cargo and truck destroyed!, in GTA 5 it can be frustrating especially in missions when you need to be there on point well game freeze "ALT+TABS" and sometimes this makes me fail the mission, AGAIN a simple click to the game gets it going again please bare in mind this is not a game crash its simply alt+tabbing all on its own, watch dogs 2 same thing! its alt+tabbing!

try it now on your own pc im sure its a hotkey all gamers are familiar with alt+tab your game you will either see your game frozen in background or minimized either way thats what im experiencing please help its driving me nuts! im ] [ this close to deleting everything on my pc because its doing this!

Tried scanning for viruses and malware and adware nothing found, tried reinstalling the GPU driver STILL giving me grief i dont know where else to turn.

PC specs:
Windows 10 Professional 64bit (R)
Corsair H75 HYDRO COOL
AMD FX8350 8 Core 4.01GHz
16GB Hyper fury 1600mhz DDR3 RAM (2x 8GB)
Asus Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 Strix Direct CU II 4GB
1TB SATA harddrive
Corsair CX750W
If you haven't solved this yet, i solved mine. The RGB Fusion 2.0 was the issue. after updating it, it works fine
I know this is an old thread, and I don't have a solution, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

I have the same issue. It occurs in every game I've tested, but ONLY when using a (wired) Xbox one controller.
The alt-tabbing is not connected to any particular input, either on the gamepad or on the keyboard and mouse. I know this because it has occurred many times during cutscenes, while I am not touching any input device.

The alt-tabbing is almost rhythmic: it always occurs in pairs, with an interval of about a minute between each alt-tab. (That is to say, the game tabs, I tab back in, and a minute later, the game tabs out again.) These events occur roughly every 20 - 30 minutes.

This issue has been present, without fail and in exactly the same form, ever since I started using an Xbox controller about 2 months ago.

My GPU drivers are up-to-date, my temps are fine, and whatever "Citrix Receiver" is, it's not installed on my PC.

I'm starting to get pretty pissed with it, because I cannot play Dark Souls, or any other game which lacks a pause feature, with this issue.

Thanks for being involved, guys. I know very little about the subject, and I'd appreciate any help that anybody can give.
For me it was the RGB 2.0 Fusion the issue, after instaling the latest it woorks just fine
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