So completely out of the blue, but I've been getting a random boot issue for the past few days now, could use some advice on how to troubleshoot it.
So once I turn on the PC, I hear it make two beep sounds, as if it's failed to do the early boot processes and then tried again in quick succession, then once the monitor turns on an error appears on the American Megatrends screen saying; “After setting up Intel Optane Memory or the RAID configuration was built. Sata Mode Selection must be changed to Raid mode to avoid unknown issue”.
The weird thing is I've not installed any new hardware for over a year, I haven't installed/updated any new software related to Intel Optane, and I've never used RAID arrays.
I'm really confused as to where this error is coming from or how to fix it.
Also not sure if it's relevant, but when I am in the Asus Boot settings and reset I can get access back to Windows and login fine, but when I do the date and time have changed randomly to around 1am one day ahead and the internet doesn't want to connect without resetting adaptors.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, cheers!
So once I turn on the PC, I hear it make two beep sounds, as if it's failed to do the early boot processes and then tried again in quick succession, then once the monitor turns on an error appears on the American Megatrends screen saying; “After setting up Intel Optane Memory or the RAID configuration was built. Sata Mode Selection must be changed to Raid mode to avoid unknown issue”.
The weird thing is I've not installed any new hardware for over a year, I haven't installed/updated any new software related to Intel Optane, and I've never used RAID arrays.
I'm really confused as to where this error is coming from or how to fix it.
Also not sure if it's relevant, but when I am in the Asus Boot settings and reset I can get access back to Windows and login fine, but when I do the date and time have changed randomly to around 1am one day ahead and the internet doesn't want to connect without resetting adaptors.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, cheers!