[SOLVED] Random BSODs from "ntoskrnl.exe" and "semav6msr64.sys" ?


Jul 19, 2015
I've been getting random BSODs every couple of minutes even when I don't even touch my PC, I have downloaded BlueScreen Viewer to check why is it happening for over a month and it shows that ntoskrnl.exe and semav6msr64.sys cause this all the time.
I've tried to reset my pc twice, run /sfc scan, check my hard disk and memory diagnostic and even deleting drivers and reinstalling them as well as windows updates.
What else can I do to fix this?
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You should change the PSU. The corsair VS series are not very good ones so it could well be that. If not then the motherboard perhaps, although you should think about changing the CPU, motherboard and ram.
I've been getting random BSODs every couple of minutes even when I don't even touch my PC, I have downloaded BlueScreen Viewer to check why is it happening for over a month and it shows that ntoskrnl.exe and semav6msr64.sys cause this all the time.
I've tried to reset my pc twice, run /sfc scan, check my hard disk and memory diagnostic and even deleting drivers and reinstalling them as well as windows updates.
What else can I do to fix this?
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What is your hardware specification? Including make and model of power supply?
I think you have some kind of hardware failure. I would normally think ram for BSOD but as you have tested this I think the PSU would be the next most likely suspect.

However, it is very hard to say for sure which component. You will have to swap them out for good ones to see I guess
Ia there aby tool to check how good my components work? I'm not sure if that's the case