01.05.2020 1:04:55.32
- * * H E L L O from jcgriff2 * * *
- * * H E L L O from jcgriff2 * * *
- * * H E L L O from jcgriff2 * * *
Windows OS Windows_NT
PC Brand
Processor Architecture AMD64
Processor Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 12, GenuineIntel
Number of Proc's 16
----------- We will begin in 5 seconds . . . .
Copying mini-kernel dump files . . .
Datei nicht gefunden
Copying mini-kernel dump files . . . D O N E
Running WHOAMI command . . .
Running WHOAMI command . . . D O N E
01.05.2020 1:05:00.32
Starting Separate subtasks
Running msinfo32 - saving as NFO file
Begin DirectX Kernel Diagnostics Report . . .
01.05.2020 1:05:00.48
Starting Driver Queries
Running Driver Query . . . driverquery - verbose output
program 1 of 3 . . . executing
Running Driver Query . . . driverquery - Signed Drivers
program 2 of 3 . . . executing
Running Driver Query . . . driverquery - List Format
program 3 of 3 . . . executing
01.05.2020 1:05:00.84
Driver Queries Running
01.05.2020 1:05:00.86
Dumping Event Viewer Application Log . . . 50,000 records
01.05.2020 1:05:01.05
Dumping Event Viewer System Log . . . 50,000 records
01.05.2020 1:05:01.28
Running TRACERT and IPCONFIG . . . .
01.05.2020 1:05:01.42
Running TRACERT . . . D O N E
Running IPCONFIG . . .
Running IPCONFIG . . . D O N E
Running systeminfo report . . .
01.05.2020 1:05:01.88 Export current variables
01.05.2020 1:05:01.94
Starting process to search for Drivers . . .
01.05.2020 1:05:02.11 Running NETSH Commands
01.05.2020 1:05:02.14
Gathering Network Information . . .
01.05.2020 1:05:03.67
Gathering Network Statistics, please wait as this may take a moment!
01.05.2020 1:06:26.60
Gathering Network Information . . . D O N E
01.05.2020 1:06:26.61
Obtaining Windows Error Reporting information . . .
01.05.2020 1:06:28.96
Obtaining Windows Error Reporting information . . . D O N E
01.05.2020 1:06:28.97
Running Windows Management Instrumentation -
"Recoveros" and Page File . . .
Keine Instanzen verfügbar.
01.05.2020 1:06:29.53
"Recoveros" and Page File . . . D O N E
Listing running Tasks . . . EXECUTING . . . Please Wait . . .
01.05.2020 1:06:40.05
Running executing Tasks Listing . . . D O N E
01.05.2020 1:06:40.07
Downloading and executing autorunsc.exe. . .
Sysinternals Autoruns v13.96 - Autostart program viewer
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -
Autorunsc shows programs configured to autostart during boot.
Usage: autorunsc [-a <*|bdeghiklmoprsw>] [-c|-ct] [-h] [-m] [-s] [-u] [-vt] [-o <output file>] [[-z <systemroot> <userprofile>] | [user]]]
-a Autostart entry selection:
* All.
b Boot execute.
c Codecs.
d Appinit DLLs.
e Explorer addons.
g Sidebar gadgets (Vista and higher)
h Image hijacks.
i Internet Explorer addons.
k Known DLLs.
l Logon startups (this is the default).
m WMI entries.
n Winsock protocol and network providers.
o Office addins.
p Printer monitor DLLs.
r LSA security providers.
s Autostart services and non-disabled drivers.
t Scheduled tasks.
w Winlogon entries.
-c Print output as CSV.
-ct Print output as tab-delimited values.
-h Show file hashes.
-m Hide Microsoft entries (signed entries if used with -s).
-o Write output to the specified file.
-s Verify digital signatures.
-t Show timestamps in normalized UTC (YYYYMMDD-hhmmss).
-u If VirusTotal check is enabled, show files that are unknown
by VirusTotal or have non-zero detection, otherwise show only
unsigned files.
-x Print output as XML.
-v[rs] Query VirusTotal (
www.virustotal.com) for malware based on file hash.
Add 'r' to open reports for files with non-zero detection. Files
reported as not previously scanned will be uploaded to VirusTotal
if the 's' option is specified. Note scan results may not be
available for five or more minutes.
-vt Before using VirusTotal features, you must accept
VirusTotal terms of service. See:
If you haven't accepted the terms and you omit this
option, you will be interactively prompted.
-z Specifies the offline Windows system to scan.
user Specifies the name of the user account for which
autorun items will be shown. Specify '*' to scan
all user profiles.
Do not display the startup banner and copyright message.
01.05.2020 1:06:40.63
Autoruns. . . D O N E