Question Random loud noises in headset???

Oct 21, 2019
So I was playing some games with some friends and all of a sudden, my headset starts making this REALLY loud static sound. This isn't the first time this has happened, and when it has happened in the past, i usually just unplug and plug the headset back in and it works fine, but this time it is different (This is when the headset was wired). With the heaset on bluetooth and when the headset gets low on battery, I plug it up, but it makes a very loud noise after, like, 5 minutes of charging. I just switched to bluetooth, but I have no clue why it does this. The headset is a Rog Strix Fusion 700 and my motherboard is a x370-f. It's currently charging right now so maybe it'll change and won't make those noises... Just did a tad of testing while making this and it seems when any type of bass hits or a nade in a game goes off, it does the loud static noise and the gain refuses to go back down 'till I unplug it. This was without bluetooth on.
Are you working with the latest app from their support site? Is it possible to check and see which version of the BIOS your motherboard is on? Can you go into Device Manager and uninstall the headset(if you've been working it over USB)?
BIOS version is 2.14.1246
It already had the newest driver and yes I can uninstall the headset
As of right now, it's working as intended and an observation my friend made was it might be because of low battery because it makes the loud noise after the low battery noise comes on, which is extremely loud too.
Also, I do have bass boost on +9db @ 50Hz.