Question Random neighbor keeps trying to pair phone with Odyssey G7 Monitor, how do I stop it?


Feb 6, 2012
I've had this monitor for about a year. Today, while working, I had a very large popup message on my screen saying an iPhone belonging to Patrick was trying to pair with my monitor. I denied it, but it came up again a few minutes later. It has now happened 4 times, despite the connected devices settings showing Patrick's iPhone is denied. There seems to be no way to stop people from trying to pair again and again and again and showing the popup.

This is extremely distracting as it pops up on the screen and won't go away until I respond.

There seems to be no way to block all of these types of pairing requests. From the VERY few search results I've found Googling this issue it seems there MIGHT be a way to disable Bluetooth connections from a developer menu, but nobody will say how to do it lest it mess up the monitor.

This just seems like a MASSIVE oversight on Samsung that will allow people to potentially harass neighbors (if done intentionally - I don't think so in my case.) I don't know anyone named Patrick, but this is a mobile home park with a significant elderly population so it may be someone trying to pair with their own Samsung TV and not realizing they are getting someone's PC monitor.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this other than the dev menu? Or how to get to the dev menu if that is the only option? (I'd rather not contact Samsung as I've had pretty crappy luck with them with my phone, etc.) Of course, I found out about this gap in the user experience after it is too late to return the monitor.
you don't state if you're actually using any of the Bluetooth features.
if not, disable them altogether.

my Samsung TV has the option in the main menu to disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.
if this model doesn't, you really may need to contact Samsung directly or create an online support ticket with them regarding the issue.
Yes, that's the problem I've run into. I don't use any BT devices but from everything I've read (and going line by line through every setting) there is no option to turn off Bluetooth. 🙁 The only way I've read to do it is via dev menu but I haven't found anyone saying how to do that.