Random person's cellphone shows up on my Network when Network Discoverability enabled


Jan 7, 2014
On my laptop, I briefly turned on network discovery, and I noticed someone's cellphone showing up on my Network page from control panel. My router logs show no sign of this device connecting. This is a brand new router with a brand new WPA2. I went ahead and blocked their MAC address on my router

I am trying to figure out what is going on here. I normally disable Network Discovery, so I don't know if this was always there.

I disabled and re-enabled network discovery over and over and it always re-appears.

It appears to be someone's Straight Talk phone http://imgur.com/nqwTGDS

What is going on here?
If it shows the same device all the time it is not random at all.

It may not be going through your router. Does the laptop have Bluetooth? Try turning Bluetooth off and see if the device is still present. If that works the phone has to be pretty close.

Also try running the laptop a few miles from home. If it doesn't show up, you are out of range of the phone and it might be Bluetooth.


Definitely not bluetooth. Disabling SSID broadcast on my router gets rid of the problem, but I am not quite sure yet what other problems that causes.

At first read, completely normal, so at second read not?

I generally avoid public wifi on my laptop, so I never bring it out at the airport (and if I do wifi is disabled). I have enabled MAC filtering on my router. I haven't checked if it still appears.