Razer Audio Visualizer Help

Zachary Ferch

Nov 15, 2014
Hello all. I'm just wondering what this means. I have installed the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015’ from Microsoft" but when I install the SDK Core Files then it shows me this error code. The keyboard visualizer itself is working perfectly fine and I see the Visualization Preview but nothing shows up on the keyboard. Please help! 😀

Error Code: http://i.imgur.com/AfUhNJL.png
Link to Audio Visualizer: https://insider.razerzone.com/index.php?threads/rock-your-razer-chroma-devices-with-the-audio-visualizer.8796/
If there's no "Run as Administrator", then you are going something wrong. When you right click, it should show up. The only time it won't be there is if you are using Windows XP, in which case you won't be able to install the software because XP is too old.

There is no run as admin for the "Razer_Chroma_SDK_Core_v0.4.8.exe". It still shows me that error screen after installing the different Visual C++ Redistributable.
If there's no "Run as Administrator", then you are going something wrong. When you right click, it should show up. The only time it won't be there is if you are using Windows XP, in which case you won't be able to install the software because XP is too old.

I tried that and it worked!!! Thanks so much!