[SOLVED] reading compherensive

Linux is an open source software platform. The base kernel is maintained by volunteers essentially. They upload to the main repository any changes and improvements they think are worthwhile.

Since the Linux kernel is available to anyone, they are free to download it, modify it, even maintain their own repository with their own set of regular volunteers. A branch would be a difference in the files that serve some other purpose or solve some problem that isn't necessary in the main branch.

Now the kernel is just the core of Linux, there are whole operating systems built on top of that, they have their own repositories and branches.
Linux is an open source software platform. The base kernel is maintained by volunteers essentially. They upload to the main repository any changes and improvements they think are worthwhile.

Since the Linux kernel is available to anyone, they are free to download it, modify it, even maintain their own repository with their own set of regular volunteers. A branch would be a difference in the files that serve some other purpose or solve some problem that isn't necessary in the main branch.

Now the kernel is just the core of Linux, there are whole operating systems built on top of that, they have their own repositories and branches.
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Most common, most important, central.

Think of product lines. You have a general family of products, one being the standard. Mainline or Mainstream. As in most people would use that one over an alternative.

In the open source software world, you will have what is popular or practical, and then everything else.
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Reactions: shaharhada
Most common, most important, central.

Think of product lines. You have a general family of products, one being the standard. Mainline or Mainstream. As in most people would use that one over an alternative.

In the open source software world, you will have what is popular or practical, and then everything else.
OK. I have one more question: What is the meaning of commit in the article?