Really strange RAM problem on prebuilt-pc


Mar 4, 2017
So I recently got a Acer Aspire E380-GE74 from my school and decided that I wanted to actually use it. I bought some parts for it, like hard drives, graphics card, power supply and of course a 2GB stick of RAM (it has a diffrent frequency than what I have on the other RAM stick).

Everything worked, except for the RAM. I don't understand whats wrong with it considering I was only upgrading to 4GB of RAM, and my system should be capable of having that amount of RAM. I were getting 3 beeps, which indicates that something is wrong with the RAM.

But this is where it gets strange. Everytime I reset the CMOS (taking that little battery thing out), the system boots up just perfectly, with that extra RAM inside of it. It got me thinking that maybe Acer made it so that you only could have 2GB of RAM on purpose.
So this means that everytime I shut down my computer, I have to reset the CMOS in order to get the 2nd stick of RAM to work, but I don't want to do that considering I will have to open my computer so often and the time resets to 00:00 1/1/2006.

Is there any way I can force my pc to accept that 2nd stick of RAM without resetting the CMOS all of the time? Would it perhaps be the bios that just won't let me have 4GB of RAM? Please help, thanks.

AMD Athlon x2 +4000
Nvidia GT 710
HT2000 MCP61-PM-AM (mobo)
Corsair CX430