Rebooting Problem


Dec 31, 2007
This has been happening for a while. My Athlon machine will not reboot when
the OS tells it to. Under 98/ME it would say there was a OS error, but
under XP, it just hangs. Will shut down fine on its own.

Anyone else had a similar problem? Or any thoughts?

Ok - you have two options - 1 the hard way - 2 the easy way. Now being a techsupport kinda guy I always use the easiest route - means lower call costs and time wasted for the customer. In this case the easy way saves my fingers.

<b>Easy Way</b>
1)Reformat HDD.
2)Strip computer down completly. Take the motherboard out of the case as well.
3)Place mobo back into machine making sure the mobo isn't shorting on the case.
4)Reseat the Vid card, Hdd, Processor and Memory and see if it will post.
5)If it does replace all other components carefully.
6)Check for post
7)Reinstall win xp
8)Check to see if machine will reboot.
9)If it does then reinstall all other software.

<b>Hard Way</b>
Pm me.

<font color=green><b>AMD</b></font color=green> 'cos my computers worth it!