Recent startup delays.loanding time very slow



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

I have noticed recently for some reason that my computer is taking a long
while fully load up. It loads to the windows desktop quick;y, but after it
gets to the desktop, it sits about 10-15 seconds in a delay before all my
starting programs load up (I am running Norton 2004 and Zone alarm pro 5) I
am wondering if it is Norton somehow hanging my system like this (it never
did before) If you try to do anything before norton or zonealarm loads the
computer just freezes. After the 10-15 second delay, the norton icon pops up
in the taskbar, then the zonealarm icon. Does anyone have any suggestions on
how I can fix this? Is Norton causing the problem??

Thanks for all help!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

I also have NAV 2004 and ZAP 5, and my 2+ year old computer starts swiftly
and runs quickly.

Have you considered spyware?
Ted Zieglar

"Dan R" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have noticed recently for some reason that my computer is taking a long
> while fully load up. It loads to the windows desktop quick;y, but after
> gets to the desktop, it sits about 10-15 seconds in a delay before all my
> starting programs load up (I am running Norton 2004 and Zone alarm pro 5)
> am wondering if it is Norton somehow hanging my system like this (it never
> did before) If you try to do anything before norton or zonealarm loads
> computer just freezes. After the 10-15 second delay, the norton icon pops
> in the taskbar, then the zonealarm icon. Does anyone have any suggestions
> how I can fix this? Is Norton causing the problem??
> Thanks for all help!
> Dan
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

yes I have, I downloaded ad-aware and cleaned my system of

"Ted Zieglar" wrote:

> I also have NAV 2004 and ZAP 5, and my 2+ year old computer starts swiftly
> and runs quickly.
> Have you considered spyware?
> --
> Ted Zieglar
> "Dan R" <> wrote in message
> > Hello,
> > I have noticed recently for some reason that my computer is taking a long
> > while fully load up. It loads to the windows desktop quick;y, but after
> it
> > gets to the desktop, it sits about 10-15 seconds in a delay before all my
> > starting programs load up (I am running Norton 2004 and Zone alarm pro 5)
> I
> > am wondering if it is Norton somehow hanging my system like this (it never
> > did before) If you try to do anything before norton or zonealarm loads
> the
> > computer just freezes. After the 10-15 second delay, the norton icon pops
> up
> > in the taskbar, then the zonealarm icon. Does anyone have any suggestions
> on
> > how I can fix this? Is Norton causing the problem??
> >
> > Thanks for all help!
> > Dan
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?)

Spyware can be notoriously difficult to get rid of. Depending on how much
and which spyware was on your system, it's possible that your spyware
remover was not able to remove the infection completely. You should always
have a second spyware remover on hand in case the first one doesn't do the

Sometimes it takes several repeated passes with a spyware remover to
completely remove the infection. Other times, removing spyware successfully
will cause your system to perform poorly or become unstable. And sometimes
there is nothing you can do to rid yourself of the spyware short of
reinstalling your software. That's why prevention is much better than cure.

A third party firewall, correctly configured, will alert you when your
computer is attempting to access the Internet, and tell you which file is
making the attempt. Without a third party firewall, you'll have to use Task
Manager to find out what is occupying your CPU. However, interpreting Task
Manager is not always easy.
Ted Zieglar

"Dan R" <> wrote in message
> yes I have, I downloaded ad-aware and cleaned my system of
> improvement.
> "Ted Zieglar" wrote:
> > I also have NAV 2004 and ZAP 5, and my 2+ year old computer starts
> > and runs quickly.
> >
> > Have you considered spyware?
> > --
> > Ted Zieglar
> >
> >
> > "Dan R" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Hello,
> > > I have noticed recently for some reason that my computer is taking a
> > > while fully load up. It loads to the windows desktop quick;y, but
> > it
> > > gets to the desktop, it sits about 10-15 seconds in a delay before all
> > > starting programs load up (I am running Norton 2004 and Zone alarm pro
> > I
> > > am wondering if it is Norton somehow hanging my system like this (it
> > > did before) If you try to do anything before norton or zonealarm
> > the
> > > computer just freezes. After the 10-15 second delay, the norton icon
> > up
> > > in the taskbar, then the zonealarm icon. Does anyone have any
> > on
> > > how I can fix this? Is Norton causing the problem??
> > >
> > > Thanks for all help!
> > > Dan
> >
> >
> >